Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI Heft:
No. 172 (July, 1907)
DOI Artikel:
Frantz, Henri: Louis Gillot: painter and engraver
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

loading ...
1 cm
Louis Gillot

occupy a very considerable
place in his work. He has
the gift of expressing to
perfection the aspects—so
transitory, so imponderable,
so unattainable — of that
city atmosphere which pre-
sents such magnificent, such
astonishing visions to those
artists who are attracted
by them, and who long to
sound the full depths of
their loveliness. How true
this is may be seen in his
Bateau de Londres au Pont
des Saints - Peres, which
belongs to the Luxem-
bourg collection. At first
sight the subject appears

"notre dame de paris" (oil) by e. l. gillot ... , , ,

trivial enough, and hardly
calculated to inspire the

LOUIS GILLOT : PAINTER AND artist's imagination; yet what a truly beautiful
ENGRAVER. BY HENRI thing he has produced therefrom ; how completely
FRANTZ ne ^as succeeded in creating that precious element
—mystery ! The vessel stands before us in the
One of the most noted and most personal ex- phantasmagoria of a November fog, its dark bulk
hibitors at the Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts towering above the watery quay where lusty porters
in the present generation of painters—which is are busy loading her holds with cases scattered
junior by several years to that of the Cottets, the about pell-mell. And beyond is the dome of the
Simons, the Dauchez, and the Menards (the second Institut, vaguely showing through the heavy mist,
generation we owe to the National Society)—is In Gillot's recent work one notes a particular
M. Gillot, who would seem
to be carrying on the tradi-
tion left by the delightful . . —.. » } ■ «y---- —•■>

succession of petits maitres ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -

^ere^ ^ (

of Paris and of Rouen "fete aux invalides" (pastel) by e. l. gillot
