Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI issue:
No. 172 (July, 1907)
DOI article:
Notes on some Polish artists of to-day
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Some Polish Artists of To-day

where he has lived for many
years. His first essays in
plastic art were small figures,
which notwithstanding their
size, were not at all lacking
in vigorous treatment. His
Maternite, here reproduced,
is representative of his best
work. Professor Laszczka
also possesses great indivi-
duality and rare talent for
expressing it, though his
subjects are widely different
from those of Szymanowski.

From what has been
said, and especially from
the accompanying illustra-
tions, it will be gathered
that Poland is making
good progress in art. The
interior by ferdynand ruszczyz old ideas and academic

methods imported from

tains to fetch their supply of holy water, and their abroad are fast being discarded, and giving place
candles to burn on holy days and saints' days. In to a vigorous and healthy, and at the same time,
this picture Prof. Axentowicz is at his best. national art, which need not be ashamed of being

There are many other Polish artists worthy ot seen side by side with that of other countries. It
note, though there is not space sufficient to do is gratifying to record that wherever the Poles have
more than mention names ; for instance, Stanislaw exhibited, they have met with warm welcome—
Kuczborski, Karol Maszkowski, Kasimir Poch- more particularly in Vienna, where most of those
walski, a well-known and
appreciated portrait paint-

artistic ca^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^

after settling in Paris, "the beetle" by jacek malczewski
