Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI issue:
No. 173 (August, 1907)
DOI article:
Baldry, Alfred Lys: Robert W. Little, R.W.S.: a review of his work
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Robert IV. Little, R.JV.S.

1886 he was elected a member of the Royal For some six or seven years after his admission
Scottish Society of Painters in Water-Colours, to the " Old Society," the majority of the works he
Indeed, by 1890 he had established himself as exhibited were figure paintings, delicately studied
one of the ablest of the younger Scottish artists, and daintily executed, which never failed to gain
and had received a full measure of recognition as a the approval of lovers of exquisite achievement,
painter with more than ordinary originality and But latterly he has occupied himself almost ex-
sense of style. clusively with landscape, and has shown more and
In 1890 he took up his abode in London, and more definitely, as time has gone on, how logically
by his contributions to the Royal Academy and the and sincerely he can present those aspects of
Royal Institute, and especially by the work he nature which, from his youth upwards, have seemed
showed in the exhibition of the Royal Scottish to him to be fittest for study and worthiest of
Society of Painters in Water - Colours, held at record. Among his later works which have
Messrs. DowdeswelPs Gallery in 1891, gained im- appeared in the gallery of the "Old Society "are
mediate attention. One of the paintings he had in such distinguished productions as the romantic
this last show, a figure subject, Firelight and landscape, A Jacobite Gathering (1901), From
Twilight, he sent, with some landscapes as well, to Criffel to Allonby (1903), Rising Storm on the
support his candidature for the Associateship of Solway and The Clyde from Glenan (both in 1904),
the Royal Society of Painters in Water - Colours Watford from Hamper Mill (1905), Shardeloes
in 1892, and these proofs of his powers secured (1906), and The Golden Gap (1907); as well
his immediate election. He was advanced to full as his Massa Carrara: Sunset in Winter which,
membership, it may be noted here, in 1899. with a number of other admirable performances, was

"rising storm on the solway " (By permission of C. Plumtre Johnson, Esq.) by Robert w. little