Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI issue:
No. 173 (August, 1907)
DOI article:
The Mannheim tercentenary exhibition
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The Mannheim Tercentenary Exhibition


The room by Josef Hofmann, of Vienna, strikes work will remain in Mannheim. Cottet has a

one at once by its originality. The floor is tiled special room, and Khnopff is also honoured in the

with narrow strips of black and white, the walls same way. His silver-grey drawings, with faint

being also black and white, with discreet use of suggestions of colour, are very restful and aristo-

gold to soften and unite. Professors Hofmann cratic. Dill has six characteristic tempera pictures

and Kolo Moser have endeavoured to bring to- which do not sit quite happily against their restless

gether the products of the strongest individualities background. Hellwag makes a happy departure

in Vienna. The result is deeply interesting, but in technique in his White Sail, though a little dry in

one feels that too much is sacrified for the sake of quality. Frieseke, a young American, has a well

noveliy. modelled nude, and it is evident that he has learnt

Room 9 is devoted to Japanese art, and Prutscher much from Whistler. Kallmorgen in his sound

has been entirely successful in designing a room in and vigorous work has shaken off the influence of

the restrained colour-schemes and wonderful har- a school for which he was temperamentally too

monies of the Japanese. robust; nevertheless, the experience may have

Plastic art has here a numerical importance that benefited him. Schonleber's beautiful colour

is not usual in exhibitions, and whilst there is little schemes and consummate brush-work make him

of international interest, there is a high standard of bien-venu anywhere; he combines the extreme

merit, though perhaps too much of the pseudo- schools most felicitously.

primitive; but such marvellously modelled works There are three paintings by Victor Mueller,

as the Marble Head, by Oppler, or the Mother and who died in 1871 ; his Head of a Man is a master-

Child, in bronze, by Lagae, are inspired by that piece of the first rank, and his Schneewittchen is

realistic idealism which we call classical. almost as good. How is it possible for a painter

To go back to the pictures, not only is the of his quality to be so completely forgotten in so

Biitish Section very strongly represented, but they short a time? Bantzer's Hessian Peasants is a

have found material appreciation, and much of the powerful character study; the surface textures
