Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI Heft:
No. 174 (September, 1907)
DOI Artikel:
Whitley, William Thomas: The National Art Competition at South Kensington, 1907
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The National Competition, 1907

from Chelsea and Leicester (the Newarke), and the
head in oils of a little red-haired girl by Mr. R. J.
Stubington, of Birmingham, is carefully drawn and
tenderly painted. In the class of modelling from
the life the best work is seen in the excellent torso
of a man by Miss Constance Skinner of the Ham-
mersmith School of Art. W. T. Whitley.

book illustration : ' a scientific examina-

National Competition, i 908.—The Council
of the Society of Arts announce that they are pre-
pared to offer, under the terms of the Mulready
Trust, a gold medal or a prize of £20 for compe-
tition amongst students of the Schools of Art of the
United Kingdom, at the Annual National Competi-
tion to be held in 1908. '1 he prize is offered to
the student who obtains the highest awards in the
following subjects:—(a) A finished drawing of
imperial size from the nude living model, (b) A
set of time studies on a small scale, from the nude
living model, executed in a short time, of varied
shortly sustained poses (mounted on not more than
two imperial size mounts), (c) A set of studies of
hands and feet from the living model (mounted on
not more than two imperial size mounts). (d)
Drawing from the life, including memory life draw-
ing done at the examination in May, 1908. No
student will be eligible for the award who does no]:
pass in drawing from the life (d), and who does not
obtain an award for (a) the finished drawing from
the nude living model. The other two subjects
tion" by f. carter (regent st. polytechnic) are optional. The works must have been executed

between April 1st, 1907, and March 31st, 1908.
accompanies her picture. None of the painted or The recipient of a prize awarded under this trust
drawn designs in which the figure is introduced is in 1892, 1893, 1896 or 1903, cannot compete
of the same class as the best work of a similar kind again. The drawings, etc., are to be submitted,
shown in the competitions of earlier years, and one with other school works, in the usual manner to
frieze in particular is so
poor that it should not
have been exhibited. Of
the studies from the nude
figure, those of Mr. W. E.
Wigley, of Birmingham,
are perhaps the best in the
collection. His water-
colour study from the nude
is better than any of the
oils shown, and the draw-
ing for which he has been
awarded a bronze medal
has an air of refinement
that is lacking in the works
that surround it. There

,rp thpok of ,.,.„^;f„Kl„ portion of altar rail in repousse brass and oak, for st. luke's

are sheets of cieditable church, sevknoaks designed by j. t. lee, f.r.i.e.a.

time studies from the nude (See London Studio Talk.)
