Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 46.1909

DOI issue:
Nr. 194 (May 1909)
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Studio- Talk


(formerly known as the Societe
Nouvelle) has had this year a show
at Georges Petit’s which was crowned
with the greatest success. This year
we admired in particular the large
panel by Besnard, depicting some
girls and swans frolicking in the
crystal waters of the lake of Annecy,
a work which on account of the free-
dom of its execution and its distin-
guished colouring is of premier
importance. Baertsoen, who has not
shown every year with the Societe
Nouvelle, exhibited a painting,
robust in colour, of an old castle;
M. Claus was represented by some
landscapes full of force and impas-
sioned in execution. M. Blanche,
not content with signing an excellent
portrait of himself, also showed us
some very beautiful interiors treated
with great freedom. Cottet, Dauchez,
and Simon remained true to their
Breton subjects, and Rene Menard
showed some most finished works,
at once admirable in composition
and seductive in colouring. H. F.

The 88th anniversary of the
painter Felix Ziem has been cele-
brated at Nice by a brilliant exhi-
bition of his work. His name fires
our hearts with the remembrance of
those countless pictures of which
the flight of time has failed to dim
the brilliance or to sap the strength.

it is that gives to his work
its individuality and its
great charm, and so one
does not wonder at the
successes achieved of re-
cent years by this artist,
whose pictures are to be
found in the private col-
lection of the King of
Spain, in the Musee du
Luxembourg, and in the
Musee Carnavalet.

Following its custom of
holding an exhibition each
spring, the Societe des
Peintres et Sculpteurs