Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 46.1909

DOI issue:
Nr. 194 (May 1909)
DOI article:
Artschool notes
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Art School Notes


( Glasgow School of A rt)


held as in other years within easy reach of a farm,
where barns and sheds offer shelter to work in
when the weather is unfavourable, and where
animal models are available. Landscape is studied
in the summer session of the Baker Street school,
but the chief energies of the pupils are naturally
directed towards the painting of animals amid their
own natural surroundings. This is the great object of
the summer class of the School of Animal Painting,
and although a picturesque locality is desirable the
choice of the right kind of farm is even more im-
portant. Fortunately it is not difficult in England
to find in combination both the needful qualifica-
tions. Former pupils at Baker Street will be in-
terested to hear that a scheme is on foot to form
a society of past and present students of the School
of Animal Painting, and in connection with this
society to hold each year, in June, an exhibition of
pictures and studies. Each member will be en-
titled to submit three works to the judgment of the
selecting committee, and to a certain number of
tickets of admission to the exhibition for distribu-
tion among their friends. The subscription will be
five shillings a year, and Miss C. M. Sprott, 78
Gloucester Place, Portman Square, W., is the

Some excellent work was shown at the annual
exhibition of the Sketch Club at the Westminster
School of Art. It was probably the best exhibition
of the kind that has been held at the school, and

it is satisfactory to know that it attracted many
hundreds of visitors. Among the best things shown
were Miss Gertrude Crompton’s water-colour land-
scapes, the tinted etchings by Mrs. Eleanor Fell,
A.R.E., and a large oil painting by Miss Uellina W.
A. Parkes, The Ifesperides. With the Sketch Club
work was shown a selection of the studies executed
in the school during the preceding year, and in-
tended for the forthcoming National Art Compe-
tition. _

During June Mr. George Clausen will be the
Visitor at the Royal Academy in the Schools both
of Drawing and Painting. Mr. Hamo Thornycroft
will visit the School of Sculpture. In the School of
Architecture Mr. T. G. Jackson will be the Visitor
until the 21st of the present month, when he will
be succeeded by Mr. J. Belcher. W. T. W.

GLASGOW.—The announcement of an
exhibition of work by the students at
the Glasgow School of Art is sufficient
to create widespread interest at any
time; when the work shown is by members ot
“ The Club,” the interest is no less keen, for some
of the most distinguished former students are both
members and contributors. This year additional
attraction was offered by the fine and applied
art exhibits being arranged in a portion of
the new wing, improvised as a picture gallery
by the introduction of canvas over the brick
