Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 52.1911

DOI Heft:
No. 215 (February, 1911)
DOI Artikel:
Wheatley, Oliver: Japanese ornamental basket work
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Japanese Ornamental Basket IVork

than the contents them- .-......■t^a&^-~-||r-any of the articles in other

selves. The shape and tlie materials whose artistic

colour of the basket, in merits have long been

contrast or in harmony flH generally recognised,

with those of the fruit, are " The material used for

often strikingly beautiful. baskets in Japan is by no

" To make a specially means confined to bamboo,

beautiful basket, it was Among the substances

customary to take the \. . more or less commonly

old bamboo pieces used *jt£E&**^*^^^^*> used may be mentioned

in the construction of v rattan, vine, and willow.

Japanese houses, where, ' Partly to provide these ma-

by the age and smoke of terials and partly to utilise

the idle land, hundreds of
acres of hitherto unused
spaces in castle grounds in
various parts of the country
were planted with young
willow trees about two years
ago. Of course the bulk
of the articles that will be
made with them will be

fig. 11.-flower basket those mtended for practical

use, such as large baskets
many years, for travelling, but a certain number of ornamental
they have be- ones will receive a share."

come tinted Let us turn now to the particular examples of
with a peculi- which illustrations are given. It is worth noting
arlyrich brown, how fine are the effects produced by an introduc-
It is only in tion of flat members among round ones, and those
recent years
that a n arti-
ficial means ot
obtaining this
rich and un-
changeable tint
by dyeing has
been invented.
In the produc-
tion of these

fig. io.—flower basket artistic bam-

boo baskets

certain makers in Tokyo have especially distin-
tinguished themselves of late, and among them
li/.uka Hosai holds a prominent place. Of the
few in Kyoto special mention should be made of
Morita Shintaro, while in Osaka, Ogawa Nihei' is
well known. In this connection it may be well
to remember that the city of Shidzuoka has
long been famous for the production of certain
articles in bamboo, and that Kyoto and its
vicinity are famous for the growth of excellent
bamboo. Some of the baskets made by the more

eminent producers are quite as much works of art as fig. 12.—flower basket
