Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 52.1911

DOI Heft:
No. 215 (February, 1911)
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metal-work is good and original; his
small metal book cover, damascened
in gold and silver, of the Four Gospels
in miniature, is especially noteworthy
both in design and craftsmanship.
Amongst the other metal-work, a steel
casket by Mr. T. Wright, and a steel
footman by Mr. R. M. Catterson
Smith should be mentioned. Mr.
Henry A. Payne showed the cartoons
for a large stained-glass window for
St. Martin's Church, Kensal Rise;
Miss Mary Newill an embroidered
altar cloth in green brocade, and
Mr. J. E. Southall a fine screen in
metal book-cover by n. de a. broun-morison hand - made linen worked by Mrs.

E. M. Southall. Some good work in
illustrative of William Morris's King's Lesson, book-binding was shown by Messrs. Sangorski and
designed and painted by Bernard Sleigh. The Sutcliffe, Miss Maud Bird, and Mr. F. G. Garrett,
woodwork is painted with a matt sur-
face in ivory-white, and the walls are
panelled in coarse matting of a light-
green rush, bound with dark-blue
cords. The ceiling has vertical bands
of decorative plaster leading up to
large enriched bosses with cusped roses
containing electric-light bulbs. The
lantern light is slightly curved in sec-
tion and is a secondary light screen,
the outside lantern being in a square
well above.

The second exhibition of Arts and
Crafts in connection with the Annual
Autumn Exhibition of the Society of
Artists was recently held, and it was
matter for congratulation that the
standard of last year's exhibition was
well maintained. Jewellery and metal-
work again formed the chief features
of the work exhibited, Mr. and Mrs.
Gaskin leading the way—their jewel-
lery being as delicate and full of charm
as ever. Mr. Joseph B. Dainty's silver
chalice set with precious stones and
processional cross of silver and copper
were also good examples of craftsman-
ship. _

Among the new-comers, special
mention must be made of Mr. H. de
A. Broun-Morison (a pupil of Mr. H.
Wilson), who has recently settled in
Birmingham, and whose jewellery and tountain (See Paris Studio-Tali') by jane poupelet
