Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 52.1911

DOI Heft:
No. 218 (May, 1911)
DOI Artikel:
Salaman, Malcolm C.: The engraving school at the Royal College of Art
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The Royal College of Art Engraving School

the paraphernalia for preparing the plates and called—attached to the South Kensington Museum,

making the etching-grounds, and also some of the Wisely they also took into consultation Auguste

work-tables of the students. Here Miss Pott, blue- Delatre, the celebrated Parisian printer of etchings,

bloused picturesquely too, is the centre of a group who was officially engaged to attend the class daily

of students each eager for advice as to dealing for a month, giving demonstrations in printing, and

with the difficulties of the plate. In an instant she at the same time, no doubt, introducing methods in

sees what is . wrong, and, with a flash of sympathy, use by the French etchers which may not have been

helps the troubled student to see it too, and to known to their English confreres. After Delatre's

understand the remedy. And whatever the remedy departure the class plodded on under the amiable

may be, however discouraging it may seem, it is guidance of Lane for just over eight years, making

commenced immediately, for the work must show elaborate etchings of exhibits in the Museum, for

progress by the end of the day. That is the spirit which the students received payment, their plates

of the school—at least, that is the spirit fostered by being used for official publication. On January 2,

the twenty years' regime of Mr. Short. But the 1873, Lane was succeeded by the late Thomas

class had known anterior periods when the spirit Oldham Barlow, R.A. His regime introduced no

was anything but enthusiastic—was, in fact, merely novelty of method, and it lasted until July 29, 1875.

that of plodding task-work, without artistic impulse. Then followed Alphonse Legros, and with him

The first master was R. J. Lane, A.R.A., the came, of course, the influence of a strong artistic

famous lithographic artist, whose portraits on stone personality. The assistant appointed to act with M.

of all the leading celebrities of the twenties, thirties, Legros was the late Frederick Goulding, who became

and forties had been perhaps the most popular so celebrated as a printer of etchings, and, as Mr.

prints of their period. In 1864 the Lords of the Martin Hardie tells in a recently issued work, gave

Committee of the Council on Education appointed practical instruction in printing every Thursday,

him to instruct an etching class which it had been while Legros visited the class once a fortnight,

decided to form at the National Art Training Legros' signature appears for the last time on

School—as the Royal College of Art was then February 9, 1882. From then until July 25, 1891,


