Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 52.1911

DOI Heft:
No. 218 (May, 1911)
DOI Artikel:
Harada, Jirō: The present condition of art in Japan
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The Present Condition of Art in Japan

"autumn landscape by kosaka shiden

Shimomura Kwanzan, Tanaka Raisho, Kawabata in that city, while they merge into one another in
Gyokusho, and Takashima Hokkai. Tokyo. Among the artists following this style,

Those who uphold the progressive style mention must be made of Taniguchi KokyS,
attach great importance to the expression of their Hishida Shunso, whose Black Cat, here reproduced,
own mood, by colours and treatment best suited created considerable comment in Japan, Otake
for such purpose, without following special rules of Chikuba, and Sakakibara Sh5en, illustrations of
any particular style. Many of the young artists of whose work are here given ; as well as Hirata Sh5d6,
Kyoto belong to this class, and their works have Arai Kwampo (Hirokata), Yamamura Kokwa,
shown a strong realistic tendency. Discarding the Miyake Gogyo, and Nakakura Gyokusui.
method used for figures by the Southern School, Judging from the views of critics and opinions
they resort to subdued
colours, giving an effect of
great depth. Among the
prominent artists that belong
to this class may be men-
tioned Terazaki Kogyd,
Uyemura Shoen, Kobayashi
Uko, and Kawai Gyokudo,
whose works are here repro-
duced, as well as Yamamoto
Shunkyo, Shoda Kakuyu,
Hattori Shunyo, and Kabu-
ragi Kiyokata.

The greatest stress is laid
not so much on the spirit of
the object as in the subtle
beauty of the lines and the
colours by those artists fol-
lowing the decorative style
of painting. Very few works
of this style were shown by
the Kyoto artists, owing
mainly to the fact that a
very distinct line is drawn
between artists and designers "autumnal colours" by uyemura shoen
