Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 52.1911

DOI Heft:
No. 218 (May, 1911)
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Studio- Talk

awarded the Diplome
d'Honneur and Belgian
Order of St. Leopold for
his efforts. A. S. L.


O S C O W. —
This year's ex-
hibition of the
" Soyouz " was
preceded by internal dis-
sensions which culminated
in an open rupture in the
ranks of this society. The
whole of the St. Petersburg
group, led by Somoff,
Benois, Roehrich, Lanceray
Dobuzhinsky, and Kusto-
dieff, seceded from the
"Soyouz" and founded a
new society under the title

"D0M INSEL> BRESLAU" BY LE0 DIET of " Mir Isskousstva »(The

World of Art), thus re-

Another interesting exhibition held recently at viving a name which has been of much significance
Pisco's was that of works by Paul Ress, a young in the annals of modern Russian Art. As is
Viennese artist who formerly exhibited with the usual in cases like this where friction arises among
Hagenbund. He is a son of the celebrated teacher of artists, there were behind the chief motives of
singing,-Prof. Ress. He studied art at Stuttgart under dissension many differences of a personal nature
Prof. Potzelberger, and afterwards at the Kunst- such as have rather frequently made themselves
gewerbeschule here under
Prof. Roller, subsequently
continuing his studies
privately under Eduard Kas-
paridesandAlex Goltz. Ress
is at home in the high moun-
tains at all times of the year-
His Karlinger Glacier, pur-
chased at the Venice Exhi-
bition in 190 7 by the King of
Italy for presentation to the
Modern Gallery in Rome,
is a powerful work breathing
at once of the spirit and
majesty of the mountains.
But perhaps it is in the de-
picting of waters that the
real strength of Paul Ress
lies, for he understands and
loves the sea, with its rolling
turbulent billows. The work
reproduced on p. 329 is a
fine example of his marine
painting. Ress arranged the
Austrian section at the Liege
Exhibition in 1905 and was "rio di st. canziano" by leo diet
