Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 52.1911

DOI Heft:
No. 218 (May, 1911)
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original in treatment, one, a winter landscape with Besides the drawings of L. Pasternak and S.

a black horse sharply silhouetted against it, deserves Vinogradoff, a feature of interest here was a series

particular mention. _ of etchings by V. Masyoutin, which revealed a

marked advance in technical accomplishment, and,

Three artists exhibited with the " Soyouz " for the ri uv r 1 • 1 <.i ■ c

1 like his earlier essays, derived their motives from a

first time—A. Yasinsky, who showed an admirable , i f , , c t-

J' ; world of strange and fantastic visions.

landscape from the Russian Steppes; M. Pyrin, ' _

who sent a fine water-colour; and last but not least In sculpture the chief representative besides

M. Saryan, a young artist of whom more will be Sudbinin was T. Konenkoff. The latter has

heard in the future, and whose works call to mind developed a preference for wood, which seems to

a saying of Eugene Delacroix : " Une peinture doit suit admirably his primitivistic propensity and

avant tout etre une joie pour les yeux." Saryan's desire for decorative effect, and in this medium he

gamut of colours is a wholly individual one, a deep has, as a matter of fact, achieved some striking

blue and a resounding orange predominating, and results. A fine example of his work is the life-sized

he has a preference for the Orient with its strong figure reproduced on p. 330—that of a blind pilgrim,

contrasts of light and shade. His pictures are for a type which looms large in the life and legends of

the most part of a sketchy character, and in the Russian people. Interesting also, though perhaps

respect of drawing and composition often leave more in an ethnographical sense, was the representa-

much to be desired, but his superb colour and tion of one of the Slavonic gods—Strybog. It is to
original conception always
elicit admiration, some
flower pieces and still-life
studies being absolutely

Only a few of the St.
Petersburg artists were re-
presented and these had not
much of interest to show.
A huge picture by I.
Brodsky of children playing
in a garden made an im-
pression by the quality of
the drawing, but as regards
colour and composition it
was distinctly disappointing.
Mention should also be
made of some studies by
Miss E. Kissileva, drawings
by A. Savinoff, and a de-
cidedly good portrait group
of a mother and children
by the young artist, Youry
Repin. As a portraitist the
Muscovite painter, N.
Ulyanoff, also deserves to
be named.

The black-and-white sec-
tion, in which the old St.
Petersburg group of the
" Soyouz " used as a rule to
excel, made a rather poor
impression this time. portrait of mr. engel, the musical critic (oil) by l. pasternak
