Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 56.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 231 (June 1912)
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content to endure the inconveniences of travel in
his quest of nature’s more unfamiliar beauties. He
has travelled much—in Asia Minor, for instance—
and finds incomparable fascination in the lone desert,
in the aspects of a storm, in time-worn buildings, or
mayhap some grand old edifice. Such a building
is the Mosque of S. Sophia in Constantinople, the
subject of the etching here reproduced. The artist
has depicted the famous old fane in all its grandeur.
The artist uses colour with discretion, and there is
no undue striving after virtuosity in his work. Lusy
is a great admirer of Brangwyn, but he is far from
being an imitator, and certainly he never attempts
the big plate. A. S. L.

PARIS.—The exhibition of the Societe des
Artistes Decorateurs held this spring in
the Pavilion de Marsan revealed to the
public all the progress made by that
valiant phalanx of craftsmen who are engaged in
the production day by day of modern work in a style
more and more pure and original. In the region of

ceramics, jewellery, metal-work, and furniture design
ing one found here a number of productions which
do great honour to the young French school. In the
first section I have referred to, one had occasion to
admire a case containing some excellent stoneware
and porcelain by Lecceur, some very decorative
vases by Lachenal, porcelain by Mme. Robineau,
and some salt glaze and hard stoneware by Henry
Simmen which charmed me by their rustic simplicity.
In wrought-iron work M. E. Brandt and M. Robert
revealed in each one of their productions a pro-
found knowledge of the technique of their craft.
The jewellery of M. Follot was full of new ideas in
the design and setting of the stones. M. Clement
Mere this year made a very important exhibition;
his little boxes in rare coloured woods are worthy,
by reason of the richness of their decoration, to
rank with the very finest productions of the kind.
Among the furniture and decorative ensembles
mention should be made of the delightful little
salon executed by the Manufacture Nationale de
Sevres after the designs and under the direction of