Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 65.1915

DOI Heft:
No. 269 (August 1915)
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Reviews and notices
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Reviews and Notices

The Siren’s Grotto, in which there was some capital
painting of the nude. Miss Alice Schille’s picture
of ingenuous childhood styled Paper Dolls, had
real human interest besides showing great technical
skill in brush work. Caroline at Six, a portrait of
his young daughter by Mr. Henry R. Rittenberg,
brought out very successfully the character of his
sitter. A boldly-brushed portrait of William Taten
Tilden, Esq., recently President of the Union
League, by the same artist, had a place of honour
on the wall. Mr. Leon Kroll sent a figure subject,
evidently painted under the influence of modern
Spanish masters and entitled Laughing Girl. Mr.
Joseph Lewis Weyrich’s sketchy canvas, The
Belgians’ Flight, good in tonal quality, and appeal-
ing in sentiment, represented a pathetic incident of
the war in Flanders. Mr. E. W. Redfield exhibited
two very good American landscapes, Overlooking
Center Bridge, and Winter, both quite characteristic.
Miss Mary Butler showed some very real-looking
studies, The Hills of Arran, and Mr. Harry R.
Poore under the title of Drawing Cover, a beautiful
autumnal landscape animated by the scarlet coats
of mounted huntsmen, and the mottled brown and

white of a pack of hounds. Mr. Howard Giles
was the painter of a canvas radiant with vibrating
colour, showing the figure of a young girl strolling
in The Sunlit Path. Mr. Louis Kronberg sounded
a note of refined sentiment in his figure of a grace-
ful ballet girl whose grandmother gives the final
touches to her costume of filmy gauze. Mr. Paul
King, in Hauling Logs, showed what one seldom
sees these days, at least in America, some ad-
mirable painting of animals. E. C.


Lithography and Lithographers. Some Chapters
in the History of the Art by Elizabeth Robins
Pennell, together with descriptions and technical
explanations of modern artistic methods by Joseph
Pennell, President of the Senefelder Club.
(London : T. Fisher Unwin.) ioy. 6d. net.—There
is no more enthusiastic champion of the claims of
lithography as a medium of artistic expression
than Mr. Pennell, to whose tireless efforts and
example is largely due the increasing respect
which those claims have earned among artists

“the saw mill

(Montreal Art Association.—See t>. 212)
