Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Texier, Charles; Pullan, Richard P.
The principal ruins of Asia Minor — London, 1865

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Frontispiece—Map of the West Coast of Asia Minor.

1. Assos—The Front Elevation of the Temple.

2. Assos—Details of the Order.

3. The Temple of Apollo Branchidse—View of the Columns.

4. The Temple of Apollo Branchidse—Plan and Elevation.

5. The Temple of Apollo Branchidse—Details of the Order.

6. The Temple of Apollo Branchidse—Capitals of Internal Pilasters.

7. The Temple of Apollo Branchidse—Capitals of Pilasters.

8. The Temple of Apollo Branchidse—Capital of Pilaster—Seated

Figure from Sacred Way.

9. The Temple of Apollo Branchidse—Fragment of Sculpture.

10. Aizani—The Temple of Jupiter—General View of the Buins.

11. Aizani—The Temple of Jupiter—Restoration of the Temple.

12. Aizani—The Temple of Jupiter—Plan and Section of the


13. Aizani—The Temj>le of Jupiter—Elevation of the Posticum.

14. Aizani—The Temple of Jupiter—Section through the Peristyle.

15. Aizani—The Temple of Jupiter—Details of the Order.
1G. Aizani—The Temple of Jupiter—Details of the Order.

17. Aizani—The Temple of Jupiter—Capitals of the Antse and

Cornice of Cella.

18. Aizani—The Temple of Jupiter—Details of the Wall of Cella.

19. Aizani—Theatre—Ground Plan.

20. Aizani—Theatre—Details of the Order.

21. Aizani—Theatre—Details of Ornament.

22. The Augusteum, Ancyra—General View.

23. The Augusteum, Ancyra—Ground Plan.

24. The Augusteum, Ancyra—Elevation of Naos and Section through



25. The Augusteum, Ancyra—Capitals of Pilasters with a Portion

of the Frieze.

26. The Temple of Venus, Aphrodisias—General View of the Ruins.

27. The Temple of Venus, Aphrodisias—Ground Plan.

28. The Temple of Venus, Aphrodisias—Front Elevation.

29. The Temple of Venus, Aphrodisias—Order of the Temple.

30. The Temple of Venus, Aphrodisias—Principal Order of the


31. The Temple of Venus, Aphrodisias—Small Order of the Peribolus.

32. The Temple of Venus, Aphrodisias—Details of the Peribolus.

33. Aspendus—View of the Interior of Theatre.

34. Aspendus—View of the Exterior of Theatre.

35. 36. Aspendus—Elevation of the Exterior of Theatre.

37. Aspendus—Section through the Theatre.

38. Aspendus—Upper Order of the Theatre.

39. Aspendus—Elevation of the Proscenium.

40. Aspendus—Details of Ionic Entablature.

41. Iassus—General Plan of the City.

42. Myra—Plan of the Theatre.

43. Myra—Proscenium of the Theatre, restored and in its actual


44. Myra—Section through the Proscenium.

45. Myra—Order of the Theatre.

46. Myra—View of a Tomb cut in the Rock.

47. Patara—Details of Pilaster of a Temple.

48. Patara—Details of Doorway.

49. Pergamus—View of the Ruins of the Basilica.

50. Pergamus—Ground Plan of the Basilica.

51. Pergamus—Elevation and Section of the Basilica.