Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Whittock, Nathaniel
The Art Of Drawing And Colouring From Nature, Flowers, Fruit, And Shells: To Which Is Added, Correct Directions For Preparing The Most Brilliant Colours For Painting On Velvet, With The Mode Of Using Them, Also The New Method Of Oriental Tinting ; With Plain And Coloured Drawings — London, 1829

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paper before they are applied to the drawing; for no colour should be
used upon the ssower that will require washing or altering, as it will
most likely form a thick edge, and at any rate give a cloudy dirty
appearance to the tint. On the contrary, if the proper tint is obtained,
the student will proceed fearlessly and rapidly with the colouring, and
the effect will be clear and beautiful, and produced with very little
The stalk and leaves, after being shaded with the neutral tint to
the proper strength, are, when dry, washed over with a tint of prussian
blue and gamboge.

The sprig of fuschia already drawn will greatly facilitate the student
in this lesson. Here the whole ssower or shrub is given, and it will
require more care in drawing than any of the preceding subjects. In all
cases the stalk in the centre is the part of a ssower that must first come
under the notice of the ssower painter.
The stalk in the pattern is very little curved; but if the bends were
not formed gracefully, or the stalk were drawn more perpendicular,