Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Wood, John T.
Modern discoveries on the site of ancient Ephesus — London, 1890

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Road, discovery of, 37-40.
Roman cemetery, discovery of, 47.
Romans, the, conquer Ephesus, 17.

Sailors, British, at Ephesus, 102.
St. Luke, tomb of, discovery of, 32 ;

description of, S6; scripture

evidence as to, 85; traditions

concerning, 86.
St. Paul's Prison, 23.
St. Paul, conversion of, 83 ; visit of,

to Ephesus, 83.
Salutarian inscription, the, 84.
Samos, conquered by Androclus,

Sarcophagi, discovery of, 90.
Scala Nova, bay of, 13.
Schliemann, Dr., visit of, 45.
Scopas, the sculptor, 50.
Seleucidai, the, 16.
Seleucus, King, 34.
Seljuk Emeers, coins of, 47.
Seljuk Saroukhan, coins of, 90.
Serapion, the, site of, 25.
Sesostris, figure of, 27.
Seven Sleepers, Cave of the, 19, 89.
Shepherds, native, 58.
Shrines of Diana, 18, S4.
Silenus, figure of, 30.
Smyrna, farewell to, 69.
Stadium, the, site of, 25.
Storks, 100.

Strike of workmen, 105.
Suspension of works, 27.

Tacitus, 40.

jo ; natives of, 93.

Temenos, restriction of, 40.

Thanatos, figure of, 49.

Theologos, mediaeval name for Ayas-
alouk, 47.

Thetis, figure of, 49.

Tiberius Cocsar, building of, 17.

Timothy, first Bishop of Ephesus,

Timour the Tartar takes Ayas-
alouk, 19.

Tmolus range, the, 24.

Trajan, Pliny's letter to, 18.

Trial-holes, making of, 43.

Triton, mosaic of, discovery of, 43.

Turkish workmen, adroitness and
strength of, 59 ; diet of, 60; dan-
dyism, 101.

Turks versus Arabs, 116; dishonesty
of, 120; superstition of, 121.

Tyrannus, school of, 84.

Tyrant's Palace, the site of, 25.

Vedius Antoninus, inscription re-
ferring to, 30.
Venice, coins of, 47.
Visitors, treatment of, 61.
Vitruvius, 59.

Waddington, M., congratulation of,

Wood, Mrs., help given by, 45, 69.

Yoke, the, 92.
Yourooks, the, 58.

Zebecks, fears about, 32.