Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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45- Uzungar§ih, O.smanh devietinin .samy teyAiiati, 259—60.
46. Siiahdar, SitaAdarLariAi, 15.
47. J. Sobieski, Li^ty do Maiy^ien^Ai (Letters to the Queen Marysienka) (Warsaw,
1962), 520.
48. Marsigii, State wddare, 52.
49. Kurtogiu, 777 rA Alayragt ve Ay Fddtz, 70.
50. Uzungar§iii, O.sman/i! deidetmra .saray teyAdat?, 243.
51. Topkapi Saray Library, inv. no. H.1524, f.278a.
52. Nur, "L'Histoire du croissant," 335.
53. Kurtogiu, 777rA Alayragf ve Ay Fddiz, 76, fn. i and fig. 48; Uzunyaryih, O.smanA
devietinin ^aray teyAiiat!, 246.
54. Kurtogiu, LnrA Bayragv ve Ay Ld&z, figs. 57 and 53a.
55. Ibid., 86-88.
56. Uzuucarydt, O^manA devietinin .saray teyAdaty 247.
57. J. 1. Kraszewski, Fodroze i ^o^eiitva ^oLAie do Farc/7 (Poiish traveis and embassies
to Turkey) (Cracow, i860), 2:52.
58. 7'arAey.' Ancient Mrraat?ue.s, preface by R. Ettinghausen, introduction by M. S.
Ip§irogiu and S. Eyubogiu (Paris, 1961), 18.
59. Marsigii, Stato mddare, 51—53.
60. The drawings, after which etchings were made for the Marsigii book, are
preserved in the University Library of Boiogna, ms. 3358. They are pubiished
in Z. Abrahamowicz, ed. and trans., KaraMMSfa/a^od Wiedniem (Kara Mustafa
in Vienna) (Crakow, 1973), pis. 9—11. It should be noted that Abrahamowicz
shows fifty-three drawings, whiie Marsigii gives 162 engravings.
61. Uzungar§ih, ftyrnnwi? devietuMn saray tryAdat?, 243.
62. Kraszewski, Fodroze : /io.sr/.s7H'a /jo/.sA;r do 77/rg'y 52—53. Of course, Taranowski
was wrong about parchment since paper was used for Korans.
63. From a very iarge bibiiography concerning state and reiigious symbolism, I
cite here but a few works: E. Gobiet d'Aivieiia, La migration dei yymAoL (Paris,
1891), pubiished in English as FAe Migration oQ-SymAoL (New York. 1956); R.
C. Thomson, .Semitic Magic.* Ats Origin and Ateveie/nnent (London, 1908); R.
Paret, S'yndwidt dr.s Adam; G. B. Vetter, Magic and Aici?gMM (New York, 1958);
M. Eiiade, "Methodoiogicai Remarks on the Study of Reiigious Symboiism," in
7Ar AArstery 0/ /Lgi?gMM..s.' L'.s.say.s in MctAodotogy (Chicago, 1959); F. Schuon, Di-
memiom 0/^ Attain (New York, 1969); S. H. Nasr, Science and Civiiization in A^iam
(Cambridge, Mass., 1968) (2nd ed.. New York, 1970).
64. Ackerman, "Standards, Banners, and Badges," in Survey 0/^Fenian Art, 3:2705.
65. E. Westermack, SMrvwnacr.s ^ainne.s dam ta civi&ation maAomedan (Paris, n.d.);
C. E. Arseven, L Art tnrc, (Ankara, 1939), 2i6ff.
66. W. Egerton, An Aiimtrated AAandAooA a/ Andian Arms (London, 1880), 53.
67. Throughout this book, quotations are from the Penguin edition of the Koran
68. Zyguiski, "Studia do dziejow Waweiu," 408. The transition from Arabic into
Poiish was made by Z. Abrahamowicz in Cracow.
69. F. Babinger, "Die grossherriiche Tughra," JaArAncA der a^iatdcAen Vaw.st 2
