Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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104. Kurtoglu, TarA Hayrag^ ac Ay EAA:z, fig. 6g.
105. Such signs of a hand are to be seen inter aha on a Hag in the Deniz Museum
in Istanbuf, no. 448, and in the Historicaf Museum of the City of Vienna.
106. G. H. Luquet, /.A?/ ct /a rc/ZgZow firs Aoanwcj /as.sAc.s (Paris, 1926), igo; A. R.
Verbrugge, Ec syw/aAe Ac /a maZw Aaw.s (a ^rcAZi/oZrc (Cousances, 1958).
107. S. Hummef, "Magische Hande und Ftisse," Ar/ZAa^ AsZac 17 (19541:149—54; A
Bruno, "Preliminary Report on the Researches at Hazar Sum (Samangan),
Italian Archeoiogica! Mission in Afghanistan 2," Cast aw/ Wc.s/ 14, g—4 (Rome,
*963), fig- 1-8.
108. E. Dale Saunders, "Symbolic Gestures in Buddhism," ArtiAasAsZac 21 (19581:47—
109. Arseven, EArt /arc, gg8.
110. Cammann, "The Magic Square of Three," 56ff.
1 n. Nur, "L'Histoire du croissant," gg8ff.
112. Roscher, "Sin," 906. In this articfe, there is a reproduction of an amuiet in
the form of a crescent with a hand between its arms.
ng. A. J. Wensinck, "Tree and Bird as Cosmofogicaf Symbols in Western Asia,"
VcrAawAc/Zagea Aer AoaZA/Z^Ac AAaAcmZc aaw Wc/cwscAa^ca /c AmVcrAam (Amster-
dam, 1921): 1—55; R. Wittkower, "Eagle and Serpent: A Study in the Migra-
tion of Symbols,"yoaraa/ 0/"/Ac WarAarg/wAZ/a/c 2 (London, i9g8—iggg):2gg—
g25; F. Cumont, "Le coq blanc dans des Mazdeens," EAcaAcmZc Acs /wscrZ^Zowj
c/ Ec//cs CcM/'c; (Paris, 1942).
114. Cammann, "The Magic Square," 50.
115. O. Mtinsterberg, fZArwcH.sv'Ac VaaVgcsr/ar/ac (Esslingen, 1912), 2:205, g7g, and
116. Wensinck, "Tree and Bird," g6.
H7- Ibid., gg.
118. Ibid., 47.
119. Such blades can be found in various collections, inter alia Munich, Vienna,
Dresden, Paris, Zurich, and Cracow. See F. R. Martin, Die AaWc//awg vow
MciVcrwcrAca maAaaimcaAawZicAcr Va/wst Za AfawcAcw (Munich, 1910), vol. 4, pi.
2g5, cat. nos. 2gi—2gg, pi. 2g6, and pi. 2g8, cat. no. 248; H. Stocklein, AfcZVer
Acs EiscTMcAai/Zcs (Esslingen, 1922), 40, pi. 7; C. Blair, Earo^tcaa awA AmcrZcaw
Arms, c. rroo—r^yo (London, 1962), 81. A symbolic bird on the sword of
Sultan Suleyman was found in the Topkapi Saray Museum in Istanbul. See
E. Esin, "Togril and Sungkur: Two Turkish Emblematic Prey-Bird Motifs,"
in EZ//A EAcrwa/Zowa/ Cawgrcs.s a/ TarAZjA Ar/, G. Feher, ed. (Budapest, 1978),
295-g22; this seems to be the most advanced study on the bird symbol in
120. G. Lechler, "The Tree of Life in Indoeuropean and Islamic Cultures," Ars
As/amZca (igg7).
121. Egyed, Az /^armaactzcE Mazcam Mro'A zasz/oZ, 172.
122. Koran, sura 2, v. 2, and sura g2, v. 1.
i2g. H. A. Samaha, "Notes as to Cosmological Ideas in A1 Quran," EawA.^ CwZvcr-
^Z/cE AnArZ/Z, new series no. g4, 2 (Lund, igg8); L. Massignon, "Les inhltra-
