Curriculum Vitae Elisabeth Charlotte (Liselotte), Madame Palatine

1652 Elisabeth Charlotte (Liselotte) of the Palatinate-Simmern, is born in Heidelberg on 27 May, the daughter of Elector Karl Ludwig of the Palatinate and Charlotte, née Landgravine of Hesse-Kassel.
1658 The parents' marriage is dissolved by the father on 6 January 1658. On the same day Elector Karl Ludwig marries Louise von Degenfeld, whom he appoints Raugräfin in 1667 after 9 years of happy marriage.
1659 Violent disputes between the parents cause Karl Ludwig to entrust his daughter Liselotte to his sister, the Duchess Sophie of Hanover, for upbringing. Liselotte spends happy years in Hanover and at Iburg Castle.
1663 After her return, Liselotte spends free and carefree years in Heidelberg.
1671 Her father marries Liselotte against her will to Philip I (1640-1701), Duke of Orleans, the brother of King Louis XIV of France. Elector Karl Ludwig hopes that this marriage will strengthen his position vis-à-vis the Emperor within the Empire. Liselotte converts to the Catholic Church.
Three children are born of the unhappy marriage.
1673 Birth of Alexandre Louis (1673-1676)
1674 Birth of Philip II (1674-1723), Duke of Chartres, since 1701 Duke of Orleans
1676 Birth of Elisabeth Charlotte (1676-1744)
1680 Death of her father
1688 With the death of her brother, Elector Karl, the Palatinate-Simmern electoral line dies out. France lays claim to large parts of the Palatinate in the name of Liselotte.
1689 Start of the Orleanian War, in the course of which Heidelberg and the Palatinate are devastated.
1690 Johann Wilhelm of the Catholic Palatinate-Neuburg line takes office, ruling mainly from Düsseldorf.
1698 Marriage of Liselotte's daughter to Duke Leopold Joseph of Lorraine (1679 - 1729).
1701 Death of the husband
1715 Death of Louis XIV of France. The son Philip II, Duke of Orleans, becomes regent of France for the minor Louis XV. Liselotte assumes the role of first lady of the court.
1722 Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orleans, dies on 8 December in St. Cloud near Paris.