Elisabeth Charlotte (Liselotte) von der Pfalz. Digitale Edition der Heidelberger Briefe

Elisabeth Charlotte, Princess of the Palatinate was born in Heidelberg on 27 May 1652 as the eldest daughter of Elector Karl I Ludwig (Palatinate) and his wife Charlotte of Hesse-Kassel. By marrying Duke Philippe d'Orléans, brother of Louis XIV, in 1671, Liselotte became titular Duchess of Orléans. Her correspondence is of particular importance as a major literary and cultural-historical record of her time.
It is estimated that Liselotte wrote about 60,000 letters, half of them in German. About 6,000 letters in her concise handwriting have been preserved. On this website you will find a digital edition of the 53 letters preserved in the Heidelberg University Library.

The menu item Edition will take you to the digital copies and the transcription of the letters. The index offers further, content-related access to the edition.

In the Introduction section you will find an overview of the Heidelberg letter corpus, as well as an explanation of the editorial principles of text composition.

Materials, such as a bibliography compiled in 2002, are available for your research.

The menu item Information offers details about the team, the functionality and the terms of use. Please pay particular attention to the citation notice there.

Heidelberg University Library is responsible for the creation and presentation of the digital edition. The visualisation of the digital facsimiles of the letters is carried out via the Heidelberg digitisation workflow DWORK, the transcription and editing work in TEI-XML format for the digital edition is based on the specifications of the Heidelberg edition infrastructure heiEDITIONS.