Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Gkaeco-Boman Branch.


papyrus cartonnage were not only numerous, but in part of the cemetery
in good or fair condition, so that we obtained a large quantity of Greek
and demotic papyri, mostly of the third century b.c., though in what
proportion it is impossible to say until the individual layers of papyrus in
the cartonnage are separated, a long and difficult process.

A short examination of the Boman cemetery at Bubayyat, which yielded
a few more portraits, and of the town site, which proved, as we had
supposed (Fayum Towns, p. 11), to be the ancient Philadelphia, concluded
a long and arduous season, which, if less productive than the campaign of
the preceding winter, has resulted in a large addition to the extant stock
of early Ptolemaic papyri. The firsL instalment of our finds, which are
now all at Oxford pending a subsequent division witli the Gizeli Museum,
will probably form the annual volume of the Grae<59-Bpman Branch for
JL5Q2-3. This winter we are publishing the first volume of the Tebtunis
Papyri, consisting of late Ptolemaic texts from the crocodile mummies.
Many of these documents are of great importance for the history of that
period, in particular a long series of forty-six decrees issued by Euergetes
II. near the end of his reign and dealing with a great variety of subjects,
a papyrus of wbich the historical value is on a level with that of the
Bevenue Papyrus and the Bosetta Stone. By an arrangement between
Mrs. Hearst and the Egypt Exploration Fund, copies of this volume will
be issued to subscribers to the Graeco-Boman Branch for 1900-1, as the
annual volume for that year. Next year there will be another volume of
Oxyrhynchus Papyri.

Bernard P. Grenfell.
Arthur S. Hunt.