Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Brescia, Ver on a > Tadna. 47
eenza, that we had not time to take a
full Sight of the Place. The next Day
brought us to Padua. St. Anthony., who
lived about Five Hundred Years ago, is
the great Saint to whom they here pay
their Devotions. He lyes buried in the
Church that is Dedicated to him at pre-
sent, tho’ it was formerly Consecrated
to the Blessed Virgin. It is extreamly
magnificent, and very richly adorned.
There are narrow Clefts in the Monu-
ment that Hands over him, where good
Catholicks rub their Beads, and smell
his Bones, which they say have in them
a natural Perfume, tho’ very like Apo-
plectic Balfom 5 and what would make
one suspeCt that they rub the Marble
with it, it is observed that the Scent is
stronger in the Morning than at Night.
There are abundance of Inscriptions and
Pictures hung up by his Votaries in se-
veral Parts of the Church: For it is the
way of those that are in any Signal Dan-
ger to implore his Aid, and if they come
off safe they call their Deliverance a Mi-
racle, and perhaps hang up the Picture
or Description of it inlheChurch. This
Cullom spoils the Beauty of several Ro-
man Catholick Churches, and often co-
vers the Walls with Wretched Daub-
ings, impertinent Inscriptions, Hands,