Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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166 Antiquities and Curio/ities
now see. Perhaps the same Design gave
the Original to the Sibyl’s Grotto, con-
sidering the prodigious Multitude of Pa-
laces that slood in its Neighbourhood.
I remember when I was at Chateau-
dun in France I met with a very curious
Person, a Member of one of the Ger-
man Universities. He had slay’d a Day
or Two in the Town longer than ordi-
nary, to take the Measures of several
empty Spaces that had been cut in the
Sides or a neighbouring Mountain.
Some of ’em were supported with Pil-
lars form’d out of the Rock, some were
made in the Fashion of Galleries, and
some not unlike Amphitheaters. The
Gentleman had made to himself several
ingenious Hypotheses - concerning the
use of these Subterraneous Apartments,
and from thenee collected the vasl mag-
nificence and Luxury of the ancient
Chateaudunois. But upon communicat-
ing his Thoughts on this Subject to one
of the most Learned of the Place, he
was not a little surpriz’d to hear that
these slupendous Works of Art were
only so many Quarries of Free-Stone,
that had been wrought into disserent
Figures, according as the Veins of it di-
rected the Workmen.

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