Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
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is* ' R 0 M E.
queror, according to the Inscription.
In another Piece is represented the Com-
bat of the Pinnirapus, who is arm’d
like the Samnite, and not like the Reti-
arius, as some learned Men have suppo-
sed: On the Helmet of his Antagonist
are seen the Two Pinna, that Hand up
on either Side like the Wings in the
Petafus of a Mercury, but rise much
higher, and are more pointed.
There is no part of the Roman Anti-
quities that we are better acquainted
with, than what relates to their Sacri-
fices. For as the Old Romans were ve-
ry much devoted to their Religion, we
see several Parts of it entering their an-
cient BaJJo Relievo's, Statues and Me-
dals, not to mention their Altars, Tombs,
Monuments, and those particular Or-
naments of Architecture which were
borrow’d from it. An Heathen Ritual
could not instruCt a Man better than these
several Pieces of Antiquity, in the parti-
cular Ceremonies and Punctilio’s that at-
tended the different kinds of Sacrifices.
Yet there is a much greater Variety in
the Make of the Sacrificing Inslruments,
than one finds in those who have Treat-
ed of them, or have given us their Pi-
ctures. For not to insill too long on
such a SubjeCt, I saw in Signior Anto-