Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
Florence. 313
later Date than the rest, by the Mean-
ness of the Workmanihip.
IV. A Corona Radialis with only Eight
Spikes to it. Every one knows the usu-
al Number was Twelve, some say in Al-
lusion to the Signs of the Zodiac^ and.
others to the Labours of Hercules.
—■ ■■ Ingenti mole Latinus
Quadrijugo vehitur curru, cui tem$ora:
ZLurati bis Sex Radii fulgentia cingunt^
Solis avi Specimen.-Virg. TEn. ix.
Four Steeds the Chariot of Latinus bear:
Twelve Golden Beams around his Tem-
ples play,
To mark his Lineage from the God
of Day. Mr. Dryden.
The two next Chambers are made up
of sevcral Artisicial Curiosities in Ivory,
Amber, Crystal, Marble, and precious
Stones, which all Voyage-Writers are
full of. In the Chamber that is stiown ;
the celebrated Henusoi Me di-
cis. The Statue seems much less than
the Life, as being perfe&ly naked, and;
in Company with others of a larger
Make: It is nptwithstanding as big as
the ordinary stze of a Woman, as I