same Design. I fancy it is not hard to
find among them some that were made
after the Three Statues of this Goddels,
which Pliny mentions. In the same
Chamber is the Roman Slave whetting
his Knife and listning, which from the
Shoulders upward is incomparable. The
Two Wreltlers are in the same Room.
I observed here like’wise a very curious
Bull of Annius Vertis, the young Son
os Marcus Aurelius, who dy’d at Nine
Years of Age. I have seen several other
Bulls of him at Rome, tho’ his Medals
are exceeding rare.
The Great Duke has ordered a large
Chamber to- be fitted up for old Inscrip-
tions, Urns, Monuments, and the like
Sets of Antiquities. I was Ihown seve-
ral of them which are not yet put up.
There are the Two Famous Inscripti-
ons that give so great a light to the Hi-
stories of Appius, who made the High-
way, and os Fabius the Dictator $ they
contain a short Account of the Honours
they pass’d through, and the Actions
they performed. I saw too the Bulls of
Tranquillina, Mother to Gordianus Piusy
and of Quintus Herennius^ Son to Trajan
Deems, which are extremely valuable
for their Rarity, and a beautiful old Fi-
same Design. I fancy it is not hard to
find among them some that were made
after the Three Statues of this Goddels,
which Pliny mentions. In the same
Chamber is the Roman Slave whetting
his Knife and listning, which from the
Shoulders upward is incomparable. The
Two Wreltlers are in the same Room.
I observed here like’wise a very curious
Bull of Annius Vertis, the young Son
os Marcus Aurelius, who dy’d at Nine
Years of Age. I have seen several other
Bulls of him at Rome, tho’ his Medals
are exceeding rare.
The Great Duke has ordered a large
Chamber to- be fitted up for old Inscrip-
tions, Urns, Monuments, and the like
Sets of Antiquities. I was Ihown seve-
ral of them which are not yet put up.
There are the Two Famous Inscripti-
ons that give so great a light to the Hi-
stories of Appius, who made the High-
way, and os Fabius the Dictator $ they
contain a short Account of the Honours
they pass’d through, and the Actions
they performed. I saw too the Bulls of
Tranquillina, Mother to Gordianus Piusy
and of Quintus Herennius^ Son to Trajan
Deems, which are extremely valuable
for their Rarity, and a beautiful old Fi-