Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut / Abteilung Athen [Hrsg.]
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung — 14.1889

DOI Heft:
Heft 2
DOI Artikel:
Ramsay, William Mitchell: Syro-Cappadocian monuments in Asia Minor
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(Plate VI.)

Under the term Syro-Cappadocian^ 1 include the dass of
monuments which are commonly called Hittiteh To the lat-
ter term i have this objection, that it is usualiy taken to im-
ply acceptance of the theory that a race from northern Syria
conquered and mied Asia Minor at an early period. The strik-
ing similaritywhich alongwith local Variation exists among
this whole ciass of monuments throughout Asia Minor and
northern Syria and marks them as the product of one art; 1
look on as a fact; hut the hypothesis of a conquest of Asia
Minor by a north -Syrian race is not the οηίν possible expla-
nation of the simiiarity. A paraliel exampte may be quoted
from later history. The most heautiful monuments of Asia
Minor are the remains of the Seljuk period^, which are to he
seen in every important town^ and in many unimportant
towns^from Konia to the eastern bounds of the Seljuk king-
dom. These monuments are Persian in style, and bear in-
scriptions in the Arabic language: but the fact remains that
they were erected by Turkisti sultans, in a land where the
Arabs had been seen only as passing marauders, or at most.
transitory conquerors^ centuries before these monuments were
erected^ and wherc they left no permanent mark of their pre-
sence. 1 have years ago argued that the road - System proves
the great central power of Asia Minor in early time to have
^ Speaking before the in 1884,1 used the term Cappado-
cian; Inow prefer the purely geographical ferm Syro-Cappadocian, as im-
plying no theory or hypothesis.