Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Archaeology, Hieroglyphic Studies, Etc.


leather, embossed and decorated with applique" leather work; two archers'
armlets, a bowl of blue faience, a bottle in many-coloured glass, and two dogs'
collars of leather, one bearing the name of the dog. The pottery is of the
typical Thothmes III. type, with red and black triple line ornament.
Besides these there are offerings wrapped up in cloth, and packed in strange
rounded wooden boxes, arrows with wooden knobs instead of points, arrows
with flint tips, alabaster vases and other objects, the whole forming a very
important and securely dated group.

" Two members of the Museum staff, MM. Daressy and Legrain, worked
during the winter in Upper Egypt. M. Daressy was at Medinet Habu,
clearing the north part of the temple and the boundary wall down to the
pavement. All is now cleared except the S.W. corner. A Coptic structure
to the E. of the pylon was found, made of the stones of a great monumental
gateway of Domitian: this M. Daressy reconstructed. Under the great
Ptolemaic pylon, in the pavement, was a large granite stela of Thothmes
III. (4 m. high): it is now set up in the Roman court. The reconstruc-
tion of the astronomic vaulted roof has been finished and a colossal statue
of Ptah (period of Amenophis III.), found in fragments by Grcbaut, has
been put together.

" M. Legrain spent a long and very successful season at Karnak : * of his
discoveries and the various pieces of restoring work a short summary is
here given.

" The North half of the hypostyle hall is now out of danger: some work
must, however, still be done on twelve columns out of the fifty-seven. In
the southern half thirteen are repaired, one has still to be taken down and
put up again.

" The leaning column has been taken down and rebuilt to the height of
five metres.

"The following parts of the temple have been cleared: round the
sanctuary, the annals of Thothmes III., the gate of Sety II. One part
between the " promenoir " and the sanctuary (XII. Dym); the temple of
Apet; the space before the temple of Khonsu. The temple of Kameses III.
is finished and the colossus of the King put up before it. The head

* Professor Sayce now reports that M. Legrain resumed his work at Karnak in
July, when he was fortunate enough to discover a small chapel, consisting of three
chambers, on the east side of the ruins. It contained a number of well-preserved
inscriptions, showing that it had been erected by two kings hitherto unknown,
Osorkon IV. and Takelot III., who had been crowned on the same day. They fill up
the lacuna between the XXIIIrd and XXVth Dynasties, and explain the relation of
(jueen Shep-n-ap II. to the Bubastite dynasty on the one hand, and the Aethiopians
on the other.—Ed.