Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egypt Exploration Fund [Editor]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1900-1901

DOI article:
Mace, Arthur C.: Egypt Exploration Fund: excavations at Abydos, [2]
DOI article:
Griffith, Francis Ll.: Egypt Exploration Fund: archaeological survey
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Archaeological Survey.


finer objects remained. The ideas of the professional tomb-robber were,
luckily for us, almost entirely limited to gold. Perhaps the most
interesting find was that of the ushabti figure here photographed. The
figure, on the right of the photograph, was placed in a pottery coffin,
similar in form to that in which his future master was lying ; and with
him in the coffin were laid the tools with which he was to serve that
master in the next world—hoes, a yoke and baskets, and a frame for
moulding bricks : this latter is precisely similar in form to that used by
the modern fellah. Less interesting, but more artistic, were the three
glaze vases of lotus form, found in two other pits of this date. Two were
of the slender type which is not uncommon, but the third, with a shorter
stem, wider bowl, and rim divided into eight lips, is in all probability
unique. Of other objects of this and the following dynasty we may
mention :—a draught board in glazed pottery, with men, almost complete ;
a bronze mirror, decorated on the handle with a design of plait-work and
serpents ; three fine inscribed heart scarabs and a great number of small
scarabs, as many as thirty coming from one tomb.

We may also note here a number of objects which were found buried
near the tomb of king Zer. Of these deposits none are earlier than the
XVIIIth Dynasty, so that it is clearly to this period that the association
of Osiris with the Zer tomb is to be assigned. Among these offering-
deposits were :—several ebony ushabtis with cartouches of Amenhotep II.;
a limestone ushabti of XVIIIth Dynasty, with name of Thepiha ; a stand
of alabaster with cartouche of Seti I.; a dazed brick with cartouche of
Eamessu II.; several stone fragments giving cartouches of Aahmes II.;
four small figures of Osiris, in silver gilt; and four large ones in
unbaked clay.

A. C. Mace.


No work has' been done in Egypt this year. Mr. Davies has devoted
himself to the task of preparing the material obtained in previous
expeditions at Sheikh Said and Der el Gebrawi for publication in three
memoirs. The Sheikh Said volume is now ready for issue. The MS. and
plates of the two volumes of Der el Gebrawi, with most interesting scenes
from the large tombs, are practically completed; the first volume will be
issued next spring, the second is not due to subscribers till next year.
The Survey has thus at length discharged its debt to subscribers, and