Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Archaeology, Hieroglyphic Studies, Etc.


Quft. A naos of Nectanebo and the lower part of a sarcophagus, of
Harsiesi, have been obtained from the sebakh-digging.

Through Mr. Carter we also have received the following account by
M. Legrain of his work at Karnak between Sept. 28th, 1903, and July
5th, 1904, including an unprecedented find of statues and votive objects
of every kind. A long article on this great discovery has been contributed
to the Vossische Zeitung for Sept. 27th, 1904, by Prof. Schweinfurth, who
states that the heads of the statues are generally in perfect preservation
and that long inscriptions are numerous. The monuments rarjge from the
Old Kingdom, of which there is at least one statue, down to the end of the
Ptolemaic period. Apparently M. Legrain only needs a powerful pump to
enable him to recover further treasures, the trench being at present deep
in water.

Salle Hypostyle :

12 colonnes ecroulees en 1899 sont reedifiees jusqu'a 14 metres de
hauteur. II ne reste a poser que l'abacus et les architraves.

Les architraves 40-49, 49-58, 58-67, qui menacaient out ete descendues.
Le poids de chaque bloc est de 26,000 kilog. (=26 tons).

Temple :

Au nord de l'obelisque de Hatshopsitou, 3 cariatides de Thoutmosis
ler sont relevees et consolidees.

Dans le sanctuaire de granit, deux lourdes de dalles de plafond en granit
sont agrafees et consolidees.

Eeeherches au Vile Pylorie :

Classification des blocs provenant d'une porte de 20 coudees de hauteur
d'Amenothes ler.

Decouverte de sept chambres funeraires dAmenothes ler en calcaire.
Fragments d'un monument de Thoutmosis II., Hatshopsitou, Thout-
mosis III.

Decouverte d'un depot (favissae ?) de statues et autres objets antiques,
dont je joins la nomenclature sommaire :—


457 statues et statuettes en granit, albatre, calcaire, basalte, breche,
schiste, feldspath, racine d emeraude, bois silicifie, ivoire, &c.
15 steles—granit rouge, granit noir, albatre, calcaire.
8 Osiris en schiste avec inscriptions.
7 sphinx—granit, albatre, calcaire.