Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Progress of Egyptology.


1. Biblical. Several short passages, from both the Old and New Testa-
ments (Gen., Ps., Mat.), have been printed by Winstedt, from Sa'idic
fragments in the Bodleian.1

The text of the Coptic Psalter—or, more accurately, Psalters—has never
received due critical attention. Dyneley Prince has made a beginning
here by printing side by side passages from Ps. i-iii in the Sa'idic (Budge,
Rahlfs), Bohairic (Labib), and Septuagint versions.2 An examination of
these shows that the two Coptic versions are independent.

The publication, announced last year, of the Borgian fragments of the
Sa'idic New Testament has now been accomplished by Balestri,3 who has
thus given us the most valuable aid towards a critical edition of the
version since Woide's Appendix. He makes use of Ciasca's copies, which
reproduce the unemended texts of the MSS. Ciasca's elaborate compara-
tive apparatus is, however, not imitated, the editor holding that this can
only be of use at a later stage. Minute descriptions are given of the MSS.,
as to the approximate age of which an opinion had been obtained from
Hyyernat ; while a disconcerting but instructive collation of Woide's
print with the Oxford originals is contributed by Horner. Forty
beautiful photographs reproduce almost all the fragments used, and form a
most welcome contribution towards Coptic palaeography. Certain of the
incidental rubrics from the MSS. (e.g. in nos. xliii, lxxv, xei, xcvi,
xcviii) have an independent liturgical interest.

Leipoldt has described4' two bilingual New Testament fragments,
recently acquired by the Berlin Museum : one giving a passage from Luke
in Greek and Sa'idic, the other one from Matthew in Greek and Fayyuinic.
He thence observes that Greek was employed in the liturgy of the latter
province, beside Coptic.

The same writer has edited sixteen biblical fragments from the Old and
New Testaments (including those just mentioned), now in the Berlin
Museum.5 He adds to each useful facsimiles.

The British Museum possesses a beautiful and unique MS. of the
Gospels in Arabic (Or. 3382), giving a collation of the Arabic text made
by Abu '1-Farag Hibat Allah ibn al-'Assal in the 13th century. D. B.
Macdonald has printed and translated the learned Copt's introduction,0
wherein he describes the critical materials at his disposal (Greek, Copt.,

* I am again indebted to Prof. L. Scherman for some of the following references.