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Archaeology, Hieroglyphic Studies, Etc.


The vacancy in the directorship of the Museum at Alexandria caused by
the death of the devoted archaeologist Dr. G. Botti lias been filled by the
appointment of Dr. E. Breccia.

The sad accident by which M. Gombeet, a youthful member of the
Institut Francais de Archeologie Orientale in Cairo, lost his life at Tuneh
in 1903, is described by Benedite in Coviptes Eendus 1903, 204. See
p. 33.

An obituary notice of Professor Pleyte, by Piehl, is printed in Sphinx,
vii. 175, with a portrait.

An interesting photograph of E. de Rouge is given in Sphinx, viii.
102 ; it is probably the only portrait of the great French Egyptologist yet

The first volume of Bexouf's Egyptological Essays is reviewed by Piehl
in Sphinx, vii. 151. A second volume has appeared, edited by Prof.
Naville and Mr. Bylands ; the order of the reviews, etc., contained in it
is not chronological, and the dates vary between 1867 and 189G. It is
reviewed by Wiedemann, 0. L. Z., 1904, 232.

The third volume of Chabas' CEuvres diverses in the IJibliothirpue Egypt-
tologique contains his smaller works from 1864 to 1868; the second
volume is reviewed by Piehl, Sphinx, viii. 102.

M. Lefeyre-Pontalis has edited another volume in the same series,
entitled Prosper Jollois, Journal cL'un ingenieur attache a /'expedition,
d'Egypte. The editor gives a sketch of the life and work of Jollois, an
engineer to whom the Description de I'Egypte owed much of its archaeo-
logical material, and afterwards secretary to the commission for the publi-
cation of that great work. The second half of the volume is occupied with
archaeological extracts from the journals of Fourier, Delille, Balzac,
Descostils, Jomard, J. D., Saint-Gexis, and Coraboeuf, these having
been furnished to Jollois owing to his official position. Unfortunately
there seems to be but little new information of value for the Egyptologist
in the book.

A catalogue of the Xizzoli collection of antiquities in Champollion's
autograph, preserved at Florence, is published by Pellegrini. Bessarione,
ser. ii. vol. v. 187.

F. Ll. Griffith.