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Progress of Egyptology.

Leipoldt also printss a fragment from the Protevangelium, which he
has identified in the Paris volume 1305, f. 89.

Serenus, one of the hermits visited by Cassian (Coll. viii, 20; 21), offered
his interlocutors an explanation of the story of the angels in Gen. vi, 1
which implies an acquaintance with the Booh of Enoch. This is pointed
out by-LAWLOR,9 who holds that, though officially ignored by this time
(ca. 400), the book may have been still popular and familiar also to the
desert solitaries. Certain features of the passage in question point
perhaps to a version of Enoch different from that now known.

A cheaper edition of the Acta Pauli, without the album of plates, has
been issued, and 0. Schmidt has taken the occasion to publish an appendix,
dealing with certain of his critics.10 The first section relates to the
itinerary implied by the Acts; the second to the historic value of the
story, wherein S. maintains his objections to the authenticity of the Thecla
legend; the third to the incident of the baptized lion; the fourth (inter alia)
to the interpretation of the final subscription to the work, as against
Harnack; the fifth and longest to the original form of the Acts, as
against Corssen.

Montague James makes a contribution to the study of the same Acts
by printing the Greek Acts of Titus, which appear to be, to some extent,
dependent upon those of Paul.11 He has revised his earlier view of the
relationship of the latter to the canonical Acts of the Apostles and now
holds them to have been meant, not as a sequel, but as parallel to these.
He draws attention to the value of the Ethiopia Gontendings (ed. Budge),
for the study of the apostolic apocrypha generally and for those relating to
Paul in particular.

The Acta Pauli are reviewed by Leipoldt,13 who makes incidentally
several interesting observations regarding the inter-relation of the
Achmimic and Sa'idic dialects and gives a list of emendations to S.'s

In an article of fifty pages, Eevillout describes, prints and translates
a number of Sa'idic texts relating to Salome and Christ's nativity (v.
"Report, 1903-04, 75), and refers incidentally to the frescoes at Bawit,
wherein these subjects are figured.13 As on former occasions, it is assumed
that a number of disconnected fragments, wherein the same group of actors
occur, are but parts of one work. In reality it may be safely prophesied
(though E. in no instance allows us to know yet what or where the
fragments edited are) that the grounds for thus connecting them will prove
to be of the slightest.

Revillout's recent publication of similar texts (v. Report, 1903-04, 75),