Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egypt Exploration Fund [Editor]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1908-1909

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Kenyon, Frederic George: Progress of Egyptology: graeco-roman Egypt
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Gkajeco-Eoman Egypt.


It is impossible to conclude without mention of the melancholy event
which has overshadowed the study of the papyri during the past year,
namely the serious and incapacitating illness of Prof. Grenfell. The
cessation of his work, to which no limit can at present be fixed, is an
especially serious blow to the Egypt Exploration Fund, for the Graeco-
Eoman Branch of which he has worked since its foundation; it is also a
serious loss to students of the papyri all over the world, for whom his
labours as excavator and editor, in conjunction with his yoke-fellow
Dr. Hunt, provided an inexhaustible supply of materials of the highest
interest—materials, moreover, not merely in the rough, but already well
worked and digested. The good wishes of all scholars will attend him in
his grievous misfortune.

E. G. Kenyon.


1 Tlie Oxyrhynchus Papyri, part vi, edited by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt
(London, 1908).

2 Age and ancient home of the Biblical Manuscripts in the Freer collection, in the
Journal of tlie Archaeological Institute of America, vol. xiii (1909), no. 2: and The
Freer Psalter, in the British World, vol. xxxiii, no. 5 (1909),

3 Le nouveaupapyrus lilurgique d'Oxford, in Revw; Benedictine, Jan. 1909.

4 Phoinic von Kolophon, by G. A. Gerhard (Leipzig and Berlin, 1909).

5 Aeyyptische Urkunden aus den kgl. Museen in Berlin: Griechische Urkunden,

iv, 6, 7 (1909).

c Alexandrinische Urkunden aus der Zeit des Augustus, in Archiv fur Papyrus-
forschung, v, 35 (1909).

7 See vol. iii, pp. 168-178, and plates 84, 85 in the atlas of facsimiles (1909).

8 A bilingual sale of liturgies in 13G B.C. in Zeitschrift fur agyplische Sprache,
bd. 45, p. 103 (1909).

9 Fin Erlass Hadrians zu Gunsten dgyplischer Kolonen vom Jahre 117, in Klio,
viii, 398 (1908).

10 In Archiv, v, 245 ff.

11 Aus der Geschichte eines Kidtvereins des Apollo in griechisch-rdmischcn Agypten, in
Klio, viii, 427.

12 Aus der Giessener Papyrus-Sammlung, in Archiv, v, 132.

13 Earanis Accounts, in Classical Philology, iii, 428 (19U8).

M Zwti tachygraphische Papyrus in den kgl. Museen zu Berlin, in Archiv fur
Stenographic, 1908, p. 1.
15 Neue lnschriften aus Agypten, in Archiv, v, 156.

10 Note sur une inscription a"Ashmounein, in Bevue de Philologic, 1908, p. 215.

17 Griechische Ostralca in der Kaiserlichen Fremitnge in St. Petersburg, in Archiv,

v, 170.

18 Griechische Ostraha von den Menas-Eeiligtumern, in Bbmische Quartalschrift,
1908, p. 240.

15 Two Greek School Tablets, in Journal of Hellenic Studies, xxix, 28 (1909).
20 Bulletin de la Societe arche'ologique d'Alexandrie, no. 10, p. 180 (1908).