Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 44.2011

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Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
Blower, Jonathan: Max Dvořák, Wilhelm von Bode and "The Monuments of German Art"
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ARS 44, 2011, 1

Max Dvořák, Wilhelm von Bode
and Aio7%%/773ď7%Ay o/"Gťf77%<%7% Atrř

Jonathan B. BLOWER

"VtzzfzTzy zzz^orpzz/Ezz^ <7zz/ zzA/zzzzwA'
Wilhelm von Bode, director general of the Royal
Prussian Museums in Berlin from 1906 to 1920,
maintained a lively professional correspondence with
the key hgures of the Vienna School. His meticu-
lously catalogued literary estate in Berlin contains 108
letters from his opposite number within the Austrian
museum systém, Julius von Schlosser, as well as some
137 from josef Strzygowski, who shared his keen
interest in non-European, and especially Islamic art.
There is a handful of letters addressed to Bode by
Riegl and Wickhoff, and, of particular interest in this
context, 36 from their younger Bohemian protégé,
Max Dvořáka
By contrast, there are very few letters preserved
among the eighteen cartons of Dvořák's academie
papers at the University of Vienna, and unfortunately
only one of them ts from Bode. Nevertheless, the
general gist of the complété correspondence can
be largely inferred from the content of the existing
half, which provides a number of revealing insights,
from the particular to the general, into the intellec-
tual history of a signiňcant Bohemian academie; on
the institutional history of German art scholarship;
and, hnally, as a case study on the broader question

' Motto of the Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschicht-
skunde (1819) and its publications, the Ahw%wřVzz GzrwzWMř
(from 1826).
KÜNZEL, E — GÖTZE, B. : UhyhtTwh' Ar AUEAr-
vy Mw IT7/AA? Mw 1UA Berlin 1995. Many thanks to Torben
Brown for this reference.

of Austro-German cultural relations in the early
twentieth Century [Figs. 1-2].
The correspondence opens in July 1904 with an
unsoücited letter of introduction from Dvořák, a
copy of his Drtr RkW Ar Tézzzzy/ Ar TEz/Ar E zzzz TEpA
enclosed 'Ur zz EzzzzzA? ^/èi'zz oj /E^pr^zz/řy/í'^ A zrA7Ap?zz
zzrí' EřZz/ Ey zyyy<?p zzzzE zzF gf ^ Azv A lAfzzzzzz^k Fifteen
years later, after the disaster of war, the collapse of
the German and Austrian empires, and révolutions
in their respective capitals, the exchange cornes to a
rather tragic end with this despairing plea:
"Mr áozzr Tz-xnzAzzry /6zzozry, /A poMzrzzzwzzz' z'y y^Azzg
ozzr zrozAy gf zzzf. FEzzzgy zzn? zrory^ /Ezzzz ozzř r^zzA A řA
zz^zrypzpi'zy, zrEzA zzr^ zzoř zzAzr^E A zzAA zz7oz/ř A /I. .J
MM zzA Az'y fy EzppMygy'zzy/ /o Ař rzzArA yorzEA/
Azzy zz/ Aí* EMzz JA zz JA zzzor^ zzzozzzEy. 717^ ^zyb^Ay
zzzz/ zzzzE zzr^ y/z'F zzzz/ rzzzzyzzAJ zzzzE Mřzz A^y prtzAy/ A^y
zzr^ Az^^zzAzz^z/ zrz'A /A zzrzzzAproMzzFzzzl 7 J^zzz/ zzzV Az'y yzz
řzzzEzAřFzzy Azz/ 7 zrzzzz/ /o z^zzr<? lAfzzzzzz. (AzM 7 zzzz/ rozzz^
/o G A/z'zzy<?zz, GzzÁzyzzf zzr 77zz/^7zzz(yf 7 zwzzzz/prJřz^ zzzp/Azzzy
/o r^/zzAAzzy AzvA
The inhuential museum director acted promptly
on the appeal of his younger Austrian colleague,
underlining sections of the letter in red pencil and
annotatingit as follows: "7 czzzzA f^tz^zzz^zzz/DwzE/é /zz /A
Ri'c/zzr zz/ Mzizyzz^, yzA<? A^y zzrř yzppzzyA /o A [illegible] zz
' Dvořák to Bode, Vienna, 12. 7.1904. Zentralarchiv der Staatli-
chen Museen zu Berlin (thereinafter ZASMB), Nachlass Bode
1579. My warm thanks to Beate Ebelt at the Zentralarchiv in
Berlin for all her kind assistance.
^ Dvořák to Bode, Vienna, 8.10.1919. ZASMB, Nachlass Bode
