Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 44.2011

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
Blower, Jonathan: Max Dvořák, Wilhelm von Bode and "The Monuments of German Art"
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AAr/o^^ AAory hA^zz^zzAy ČAAA." Sure
enough, the summons from Cologne came soon after,
though Dvořák ultimately decided not to take up the
post, remaining in his adoptive city, as the obituaries
would later put it, op
Between these extremities, the other letters and
documents Dvořák sent to Bode in the intervening
period touch on a variety oř subjects, international,
academie and mundane: Austro-German trade agree-
ments, art historical associations, export laws and mu-
seum appointments, conservation bodies and kidney
stones, Karlsbad, the Kaiser and so on. There are also
frequent and revealing remarks on the state oř art
history as a scholarly discipline, and the not unrelated
problém oř the art market and its agents. One name
singled out for repeated censure in this regard, for
instance, is that of Georg Biermann, who seems to
hâve represented the very embodiment of academie
diiettantism and market-sawy opportunisme As edi-
tor of a number of journals and, from 1912, artistic
advisor to the Grand Duke of Hessen, Biermann
was an inhuential hgure in the German art world.
And to judge from the Dvořák-Bode correspond-
ent, he repeatedly abused his privileged position
for personal hnancial gain. This and similar cases
of pseudo-academics bringing the German cultural
establishment into disrepute moved Bode, in May
1917, to make a public call for the foundation of a
Professional association of German art historians,
curators and museum officiais; a sort of guild that
would bring accountability and self-regulation to an
otherwise unregulated playing held. In this case,
Bode sent an advance copy of his article to Dvořák,
and the reply came back as follows:
"YA/r wy A/z/Ar /H
AhAy JťAAg /A A //G TGz/jV GAoAÆ 7 wor/
7o 7wh A 0%íť Kwr KjvrřA^cy Ar

/. Mzzx Dzwm/è (D/0). P7o/zz.* 7PLdF( Nzzi77zii DzwzlzÀ /g
7bz?7 ;A(A /M/yy gb z/t bz?^ 7^22 z%7o//7
yôr to ypr 7bh h /A 0/2/y Ařyy /7z?7 <rz?/2
7/?7-2g 2/t yônwrh. 7 %'??#<?% z? bhot op z/g/ro/z?^/
pôr Ao TG/2t7 GbroAA 22 AA 7 ř/2c/otř /7<?ro. TA?*
TfjvcoA^cy 7o ob A^ -M'W wAz/, Ao/2 7 i^o^A z?A /7z?7 àh/zr
7l2CrřA/2ry tř/2z/ /A Z/2z2/222tf/Tp7 AwAy 70 Ař A/A/lf o/ Ao
K2//2V CbroA/%7^

Personalien. In: Kz/zzi/zA/w/'/è zzzz2 TGzzitzzzzzA/, 55, 9. 1. 1920,
No. 15, p. 310; 16. 7. 1920, No. 42, p. 826; Max Dvorak p
In: RAÂywit, 9. 2. 1921, p. 6.
^ Georg Biermann (1880 - 1949) of the Klinkhardt und Bier-
mann publishing house edited DT? Dř%tizA RzzzzE, Ez/ťzzwř and
the Aíczzzztv/zAA^KzzziáMiiřzz^A' From Dvořákh perspective
these publications lacked rigour. "7 %vzz/z/ worř 2/<zzzz 7zypy
Hzh/ř zz /řx/zgzzzzzi/Rzřrwzzzzzz zzzz2 /vzziňzfi. TAi /i z/zAAzfzzzg
z/i zzAozzz/ zzz/z/, zy^zztlrpťr7zzpi /M?zw i/z7/ /?zzi 7řcozzzř zzA<Ap^zizz*A^*
zz// A^z/TW zzzz2 iřiozzá-nz/ř zzzY Ai/oEzzzzi." - Dvořák to Bode,

Vienna, 12. 2. 1914. ZASMB, Nachlass Bode 1579. See also
BODE, W von: Ahi/z ED^z? [1930], Berlin 1997, Vol. 1, pp.
399-400; Vol. 2, p. 353.
BODE, W von: Sollen die deutschen Kunsthistoriker sich
zu einer Fachgenossenschaft zusammenschließen? In: Rzzz/it-
/Awz/'T 28,11. 5. 1917, No. 32, pp. 337-341.
Dvořák to Bode, Vienna, 20. 5.1917. ZASMB, Nachlass Bode
