Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 4.1790

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COP 71

trail: in the groups ': for inftance, if three figures are
affembled, one is feen behind, another before, the third
on one fide : each figure fhould avoid being a repetition
of any other in the fame group, but fhould contraft. its
companions, and each group fhould contraft the other
groups in the fame piece. Contraft requires alfo a
difference among the colours of groups, and the objects
which compofe them. A fingle colour may fometimes
permit contraft, if ii is capable of bright lights and of
deep fhadows : or if pale in one object, and dark in

A figure is faid to be well contrafled, when its atti-
tude offers an oppofition of members, varying their
directions, and effects, their difpofition, and their

COPY is a repetition of a picture, fculpture, engraving,
or drawing That which ferves to be copied, is called
the original, if it be not itfelf a copy, but efpecially
if it be a ftudy, whether ideal or from nature : which'
feems to be the reafon why we fay, taken from nature^
or, aJludy from nature, rather than, a copy from nature.

The fource of ideas in an original is nature ; art
cannot equal this advantage : Yet from the imperfect
productions of art, are copies made. In an original all
is clear, it permits the moft free and liberal employment
of attitude, colouring, touch, difpofition, &c. but in
copying, thefe articles being already prepared, and
merely to be imitated accurately, the mind is conftrained,
confined, and limited, which prevents the work from
poffeffing that fpirit which appears in an original. Even
the fame hand as produced the firft, is fatigued, and

K 2 wearied.
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