Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 4.1790

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As to the force of rules in producing grace, it feems
inapplicable; Rules are always more or lefs mathema-
tical ; now who conceives of mathematical grace ?
Rather, the power of defigning a graceful figure, is the
quality of a happy imagination, which by determining
forms—and their relations, lines—and their directions,
images to itfelf grace and elegance: If to thought
thus graceful, be added judgment to place ideas to
the beft advantage, where they may be beft fupported,
and furveyed, the refult is—delight.

Graceful movement is ufually tranfitory and fugitive;
it requires attention, and obfervation, to perceive and
profit by it. To the affiftance of fuch obfervation, a
hint or two may contribute.

The firft thing we notice when a perfon pre-
fents himfelf in company, is, the air of his head : it is
more or lefs bending, forwards, or fideways ; is free, or
ft iff and conftrained. This part efpecially requires no-
tice, becaufe, the airs of the heads are the firft things
which ftrilce in a picture. The attitudes,of the arms are
of great confequence, whether like, or unlike, parallel,
or varied ; the relation of the line, or lines, they make
to that of the head.* and neck ; to that of the body alfo
the forms of the hands, their motions,, the relations of the
lines of their motions to that, or thofe of the arms, the
fituations of the fingers, &c. In the body, the line of
its motion, its attitudes, its eafe, and free deportment,,
the abfence of conftraint and em-barraffment; the ab-
fence alfo of affectation ; the polite,; kind, and engaging. s
manner of performing certain actions, &c. when a per-
fon not only does readily what he does, but gracefully
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