Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 4.1790

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Iky of ornamenting places of religious worfhip, with fuch
pictures as might be ufeful, and could poffibly give no
offence in a proteftant country; that, probably, this ex-
ample would be followed in other chapels and churches ;
that it would be opening a new and noble fcene of ac-
tion, would not only be highly ornamental to the coun-
try, but would be abfolutely neceffary for the future la-
bour of the many pupils the Academy was breeding up ;
adding, withal, an obfervation I had made fome little
time before at Milan; that, in one church there (the
Domo) there was more work of pictures and ftatues,
than the whole Academy could be able to execute in a
century, even fuppohng them to work every day. Every
one came into the propofal with great eagernefs. Sir
Jofhua Reynolds propofed, as an amendment, that, in-
ftead of Somerfet chapel, we had better undertake St.
Paul's cathedral, which was agreed to ; and he was ac-
cordingly commilhoned to propofe it to the dean and
chapter; they confented, and we had a regular meeting of
the Academy in confequence, where Angelica, Barry, Ci-
priani, Dance, Reynolds, and Weft, were, by the majo-
rity of votes, felected from the body of the Academy for
this purrjpfe; the matter made fome little noife for a
time; but, in the end, came to nothing; as we were in-
formed in October, 1773, tnat tne Bifhop of London,
Dr. Terrick, would not give his confent.

(i Very fhortly after our difappointment in the affair of
St. Paul's, I received the following letter from Valen-^
sise Green, Efq; mezzotintq. engraver to Jiis Majefty.

2 S I R,
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