Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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S I R,

* Inclofed you receive a copy of refolutions of the So-
ciety of Arts, &c. in the Strand, relative to the decorat-
ing of their New Room, in the Adelphi. The favour
of your company is therefore requefted, to meet the fe-
Veral artifts whofe names are inferted in thofe refolu-
tions, at the Turk's Head Tavern, Gerrard Street, on
Tuefday evening, the 5th of April next, at feven o'clock,
to determine upon an anfwer to be reported to the So-
ciety. The plan referred to in the refolutions will be.,
at that time, produced for your inflection.
4 I am, &c.


Salijbury Street,
March 31, 1774.

" This plan confifted of eight Historical Pictures, each
9 feet wide by 11 feet 10 inches high ; and two Allego-
rical Pictures, one 8 feet by 5, the other 7 by 5."

This plan the artifts declined to execute.
More than three years after this, viz. in March, 1777,
Mr. Green, at my defire, propofed to the Society, that
one of thofe Royal Academicians they had applied to for
the decoration of their Great Room, was now willing to
take the whole upon himfelf, and to execute it upon a
much larger and more comprehenfive plan ; this was af-
fented to by the Society ; and has terminated in the work
comprehending the following Subjects, confiding of fix

A 2 Pictures,
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