Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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(Plate I.)

I. means First Period. II. means Second Period, III. means Third Period. Arabic figures
re/er to Spaces; small Utters refe.r to jmrticular objecto.

A 5 a Probably I.

b Triangulär lcvelling of the rock with a round sinking in the middle.

c In the upper part of the wall (Period III) this break is omitted.

il Great Wall, outer part. Very good work with good footings.

B 5 1.4. 0. 10. 13. Obsidian Bäkes found on floors and under walls of III.

a Wall, possibly of II.

// Doorway witli squared jambs of wliite limestone and with a projecting step in a

wall of I whioh runa under the inner part of the Great Wall,

c Wall, possibly of II.

C 5 1 Obsidian ehips found as in B 5 : 1-13.

a Good walls built with large stones.

h Doorways in walls of I.

c Great Wall; possibly of II refaced in III.

D 3 a A shaft about 10 feet deep revealing walls of I. and II.

D 5 a A small piece of wall at the bottom of and projecting beyond the face of the Great
Wall (III.) and apparently of an earlier Period.

E 3 0 On the N. and W. sides there are walls of I. (scarcely visible in the plan).

15 Space covered with an earth floor of II.

l(i Shaft revealing walls of II, and, below these, walls of 1 with two doorways.

a Doorway in wall of Period II.

b Straight joint.

<; Doorway.

F2 19. 20 The wall between is irregulär ; it seems to have been repaired at different times.

a Earth iloor of II.

b Straight joint.

r. Door or window ; blocked in III.

V 3 3 Space not excavated below the level of II.

5 The N. and W. walls of II contain doorways.

(i, Earth Iloor, perhaps of II.

h Cross wall, now destroyed, indicatcd by the toothing in the wall to the S.

c This wall is probably of Period II.

d There are remains of a wall of I below this spot, Seen by tunnelling from F4. 1.

F -I 1.2 The remains are at a lower level than the street of Period III, F 3. 25, and are of
doubtful age,

G 1 a Limits of levelling of rock; age doubtful.

G 2 11 Alley of II.

a Recess or blocked doorwaj'.

Ii Wall of unknown age, below III and above the wall of Period II.

<; Probably II.

</ Blocked doorway of 11.

e Doorway in I.

/' Wall of II below the level of the street of III.