Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrow, John [Editor]
Dictionarium Polygraphicum: Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested: Illustrated with Fifty-six Copper-Plates. In Two Volumes (Band 1) — London, 1758

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Venice, where he attained the beautiful colouring of Titian,
Paulo Veronefe, &c.

After a few years, fpent at Rome, Genoa, and Sicily, he re-
turned home to Flanders, with a manner of painting, fo noble,
natural, and eafy, that Titian himfelf was hardly his fuperior ;
and no other mailer in the world equal to him in portraits.

He came over to England foon after Rubens had left it, and
was entertained in the fervice of king Charles I, who conceived
a great efleem for his works, honoured him with knighthood,
prefcnted him with his own picture fet round with diamonds,
afhVned him a confiderable penfion, fat very often to him for
his portrait, and was followed by moll of the nobility and prin-
cipal gentry of the kingdom.

He married one of the mod beautiful ladies in the Enojifh
court, daughter to the lord Ruthen, earl of Gowry, and lived in
grandeur anfwerable to her birth. His own drefs was generally
rich ; his coaches and equipage magnificent ; his retinue nume-
rous and gallant; and his table very fplendid, and fo much fre-
quented by people of the beft quality, that his apartments rather
feemed to be the court of a prince, than the lodgings of a painter.
He, being defirous of immortalifing his name, went to Paris, in
hopes of being employed in the grand gallery of the Louvre 5,
but, not fucceeding there, returned hither, and propofed to the
King, by his friend Sir Kenelm Digby, to make cartoons for
the banqueting-houfe at Whitehall ; the fubject of which was
to have been the inllitution of the order of the Garter, the pro-
cefiion of the knights in their habits, with the ceremony of their
inftalment, and St. George's feaft. But, his demands of 80,000 h
being thought unreafonable, whilfl the king was treating with
him for a lefs fum, the gout and other diftempers put an end to
that affair and his life, anno 1641, being aged forty-two years,
and his body was interred in St. Paul's church.

DYING, of cloth, fluff, filk, (kins, bones, &c. See under
the proper articles of the colours black, white, red, blue, green,,

Ek A R, the organ of bearing.— In delineating portraits the Ear
> is a principal part, and therefore all who pra£tife drawing,
fhould know how to reprefent it; examples for drawing the ex-?
ternal parts of this organ, which is ail that is required in paintr
ing, are given on plate XII.

The EAST, is reprefented, in painting, by a pretty youth
with golden locks, a fplendid ftar over his head, in a fcarlet
robe interwoven with pearl j his gjrdle is embroidered with Aries,
