Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrow, John [Editor]
Dictionarium Polygraphicum: Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested: Illustrated with Fifty-six Copper-Plates. In Two Volumes (Band 1) — London, 1758

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e A. ftands for the heirs of John Agucehia.
GALATEA, a fea goddefs, is defcribed as drawn in a cha-
riot of a {{range form, by two huge dolphins, guided by two
filver reins, held in the hands of old Triton's daughters ; over
her head a canopy of purple fillc and filver, with her hair hang-
ing carelefly on her fhoulders.

She is alfo defcribed as a mofr. beautiful young virgin, her hair
difhevelled and hanging carelefly about her fhoulders, like filver
threads; and at each ear a fair pearl, with a double firing of
them, fometimes, about her neck and left arm ; a mantle of
pure, thin, and fine white, waving as it were by the gentle
breathing of the air, viewing in her hand a fpunge made of fea

GANGES. This Indian river is reprefented, in painting, in
the fhape of a rude barbarous favage, with bended brows of a
fierce and cruel countenance, crowned with a palm, having, as
other rivers, his pitcher, and by his fide a rhinoceros.

The plan of a GARDEN in perfpeSlive. What has been al-
ready obferved is confirmed by this plan, for, drawing lines from
all the divifions on the bafe line to the point of fight, the dia-
gonal will give the depth of the whole plan, and the diminu-
tion of all the little fquares. See DRAWING in perfpeilive.

Laftly, letting off the alleys, figures, &c. from the correfpon-
dent quantities in the geometrical plan, the whole parterre will
be found in perfpeclive, as is fhewn in the figure.

Let the plan, given you to diminifh and put in perfpeclive, be
of what fort foever, the readied way will ftill be to draw a fquare
about it, and divide that into feveral lelTer fquares.

For putting the grand fquare with all the lefTer ones in per-
fpecYive by the ordinary rules, you have nothing elfe to do but
to take care that every thing take up the fame number of little
fquares in the diminifhed plan, as in the geometrical one, and
the figure of the one will be found in the other. See plate XX.

GARMENTS. In drawing Garments, be fure to draw the
outlines very true, becaufe the whole grace of a picture confifis
moll in the outmoft draught, more than in the curious work
within. See DRAPERY.

8Noel GARNIER, engraver of grotefques, or-
naments, and figures, particularly of arts, in
forty-eight pieces. He ufed this mark.
Mark GARRARD, fon of Mark Garrard, and born at
