Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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E 159-252. HYDRIDE (shape generally as Fig. 4).

E 159. HYDRIA. Old No. 720. Ht. 2i| in. Vulci. Canino Coll. No. 551; Gerhard, Rapp.

Vole. no. 696, 719 ; J. H. S. vol. 12, pi. 20-21, p. 366 ; Birch in Classical Museum, v, pp. 99-
102 ; Rhein. Mus. vi, p. 390 ; Brunn, Kunstlergesch. ii, p. 728 ; Klein, Meistersig? p. 193,
no. 3 ; Lieblingsinschr. p. 64, no. 2 ; Wernicke, Lieblingsn. p. 76, no. I ; Hartwig, Meistcrsch.
p. 167 ; C. I. Gr. 8314. Shape as vol. II. fig. 14. The main design (1) occupies the entire body
between the handles : 2 forms a frieze on the shoulder. Purple wreaths, inscriptions, and water
(? now faded). Brown inner markings, nostril, hair on cheek, articulation of sternum (cf. E 72),
and horizontal folds of drapery in 2. The wavy outline of the hair is incised throughout, but
not that of the beard. Eye archaic. The hands and feet are very carefully drawn, with
nails faithfully rendered. Each design has a border all round ; below I is a band of palmettes,
alternately inverted, black on a red band : on each side, five red palmettes connected by ten-
drils. On the shoulder, a band of key pattern. Above 2 tongue pattern, and on each side a
pair of palmettes like the side border of I, but black on red. The lower part of the body is
decorated as E 161. The handles are left red, with borders of tongue. The lip is edged with
red, and has inside a band of tongue. The junction with the back handle is marked by
three raised knobs representing rivets, coloured purple : below it a palmette inverted. The
upper surface of the foot is edged with purple.

(i) Hydrophoria. Three nude ephebi bring hydrise (of the same form as'
the vase) to a fountain, in the presence of a bearded man in a mantle, leaning
on a staff. The fountain is represented by a lion's head projecting from the r.
border of the design, from the open mouth of which water flows into a hydria
which an ephebos holds by the side handles below it. Next is an ephebos
moving to r. with a hydria of more rounded form held sideways in his r. hand
on his 1. shoulder, the hand passing over his head and grasping the upper
handle. This figure alone has an olive wreath, the others have wreaths of
vine. He turns to look at the bearded man, who leans forward, with r. on
hip and 1. leg crossed in front of r. On the 1. the third ephebos walks to r.,
holding in both hands by the side handle a hydria as before. In the field
MEAAkVES KAVOS, 'Meya/cXrj'i koXos. The hydria? are decorated on the lips, neck,
and feet with bands of dots : the side handles are black.

(2) Symposion. Two figures wreathed with vine, and with mantles round
their legs, reclining to r., looking to r., each leaning his 1. elbow against a
striped cushion. The 1. hand figure is bearded, and holds in his 1. hand, closed
around the stem, an inverted kylix of which the foot and handles are black : in his
r. hand, which rests on his raised knee, he holds a second kylix by the handle.
His companion strikes with the fingers of his 1. the chords of a chelys leaning
against his body: his r. rests idly on his knee. In the field DITIAJ EAPAaSEN,
c&f/z^Tta? eypcufctTev.

Underneath the foot incised characters, old Cat. pi. B 720.

E 160. HYDRIA. Old No. 718. Ht. 20J in. Vulci. Canino Coll. No. 636. Shape as pre-

ceding. Severe style. The main design (1) occupies the entire body between the side handles :
2 occupies the same width on the shoulder of the vase. Brown edging of hair, inner markings
(very little used) and necklace of Athene. Eye archaic ; beards short and without edging :
the hair is somewhat feebly treated. Below 1 a strip of linked lotus-buds : on each side, ivy ;