Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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E 453. STAMNOS. Old No. 740. Ht. 15$ in. Vulci. Canino Coll. no. 531. Same style of

ornaments as last, but more careful drawing. Purple stem and berries of ivy wreath, inscrip-
tions, fillets, tuning-pegs of lyre, and vine on tables. The lower band of ornament has red
cross squares instead of dotted cross squares.

(a) Symposion with Cottabos, as in E 454. The two figures on the r. are
as in the following vase, but wear ivy-wreaths ; and the ephebos holds in his 1.
a kylix, and has his lips parted as if singing. Above him, KAAO£. The third
figure is a youth, also wreathed with ivy, who holds in his r., by one handle, a
footless kylix, and turns to r. to look at his companions ; the 1. arm of this
figure is drawn in bold foreshortening. Between him and the central figure the
flute-player stands to v., as in E 454 : her hair is looped up behind with a broad
fillet, and she wears cross-straps (stethodesma) across her breasts. Above her
head, KAAE. In front of each couch is a table, on which is a row of small purple
dots, from which a vine-branch hangs down in front. On the 1. hangs a chelys.

(b) Three draped ephebi, as in E 454. The central one stands en face, and
looks to r. at another, who places his r. upon his shoulder. The one on 1. rests
his r. on a staff.

E 454. STAMNOS. Old No. 740*. Ht. l6| in. Blayds Coll. 1849. Mus. Ktr. no. 1588 ; Arch.

Zeit. 1846, p. 296 ; Kretschmer, Vaseninschr. p. 151 ; C. I. Gr.' 8044. Late stage of large
style. Purple wreaths, rays, and fillets. Brown inner markings, edge of hair, and hair on
cheek. Below, sets of mseander separated by dotted cross squares ; above, tongue pattern ;
round the lip and handles, egg pattern. Above and below each handle, an ornament formed
of five palmcttes.

(a) Symposion with Cottabos. On two couches three figures recline to 1.,
with their 1. elbows resting on folded striped cushions. The one on the r. is
bearded ; he looks to 1., twirling on his r. forefinger above his head a small
kylix. The middle figure, an ephebos, looks upward to 1., with head thrown
back and r. palm resting on the crown. Above these two is inscribed,
NIKOMA+Og', Nwco/ia^o?. The head and shoulder of the third figure arc
destroyed ; he seems to be turned round, with his face towards the spectator,
throwing wine from a footless kylix twirled on his r. forefinger above his head.
All these figures wear wreaths and a mantle around the legs ; the first two have
also a woollen fillet. In front of each couch is a table, on which is an open
dish surmounted by two rows of purple dots ; beside this are two small purple
objects. On the table on the r. are two branches. At the foot of the second
couch, a girl, in a long undergirt transparent chiton and a radiated sphendone,
stands to r., playing on the flutes. Above her is inscribed, KVEOAOHA, KkeoSoga.

(b) Three ephebi in mantles. The one on the r. leans his r. on a staff,
and looks at the middle one, who offers him a chelys. The one on the 1. stands
en face, looking on, and leaning his r. on a staff. Each wears a fillet with upright
piece over the forehead. In the field hang a purse (?) and a pair of tablets tied
up. with stylus attached by a cord.

E 455. STAMNOS. Old No. 804. Ht. 15I in. Cervetri. Excavated by General Galassi.

Gerhard, A?-ch. Zeit. 1845, pi- 34. P- >66 ; id. A. V. iii, pi. 155, p. 20 ; Baumeister, p. 1107, fig.