Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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STAMNI. 2 79

1303 ; Panofka, Eigenn. mil koKos, pi. iii, 5, p. 8 ; Bottiger, Vasengemdlde, pi. i, 2, p. 48 ;
Bull. dell' Inst. 183;, p. 1 S3 ; 1837, p. 35 ; 1838, p. 72 ; Stephani, C.-R. 1868, p. 132 ; 1873,
p. 188 ; Flasch, Angebl. Argonautenb. p. 22; Wernicke, Lieblingsn. p. 77 ; Klein, Lieblings-
inschr. p. 70 ; C /. Gr. 8453 ; /. H. S. ix, p. 4 ; Kretschmer, Vaseninschr. p. 85, note I. Large
style. The design curves up over the shoulder. Purple inscriptions, flames, stems of wreaths,
and fillets. Brown inner markings. Eye in developed profile. Below, sets of three maianders
separated by red cross squares ; on shoulder, tongue pattern ; round handles, egg pattern ;
above and below handles, a pattern composed of five palmettes.

(a) Sacrifice, with Nike. On the 1. is an altar on a double plinth, on which
two rows of sticks, set crosswise, are burning, with a large hook or the horn
of an ox and a square object in the midst of the flames ; beside it stands a
bearded, wreathed man, in a mantle, inscribed, AP+ENAVTHS, 'Apxevavrr/s, who
holds in his r., by one handle, a kylix from which he seems about to pour wine
on the altar; he raises his 1. hand as if in surprise, looking at Nike, who flies
over the altar towards him, with Doric chiton and apoptygma, and hair knotted
behind with a fillet ; her r. is restored as pouring wine from an oinochoe into
the kylix. On the r. of the altar two boys with spits stand, both nude and
wreathed ; the nearest stands en face, roasting in the flames a piece of meat
fastened on his two spits. The other stands to 1., holding upright in his r. a
piece of meat on the end of a single spit. They both look towards Nike.
Above their heads is inscribed, NIKOAHMOS KAAO?, Nt/coS^o? kcCKo^. On the
r. is a youth in a himation, playing on the flutes, to which a phorbeia is
attached, passing over the crown of his head. Beside him is his name,
§r><>l"FO§, perhaps intended for Swcrt7r[7r]o5 or Scoal0eo^.

(b) Two cphcbi looking at a third on the v., who holds in his r. a chelys ;
each has a mantle and a fillet ; the central one holds a staff; the one on the 1.
raises his r. hand.

[The scene in a, together with a series of similar designs, has been interpreted as bearing
on the Argonautic legend, but Flasch {Joe. cit.) and others refer it to a sacrifice in honour of a

* 456. STAMNOS. Old No. 805. Ht. i6i in. Cervetri. Found with the preceding, in

General Galassi's excavations, see Gerhard, A. V. iii, p. 20, note 1, pi. 155 ; see the reff.
to Bull, dell' Inst, in preceding ; Flasch, Angebl. Argonautenb. p. 22. Same style and
ornaments as E 455. Much broken and restored ; the r. upper portion of a and all b, except
the feet of the figures, is restored by comparison with E 455 ; the entire lip, foot, and handles
are modern.

(a) Sacrifice, with Nike. The design is almost identical with that hi
E 455, a; the altar is of curious form, the shaft tapering downwards, and has a
raised rim on each side of the upper surface; the bearded figure is here called
AIOMEAES, Aio/j,i']St]<; ; and beside Nike her name is inscribed, NIK£, Nwi;; she
wears here a sphendone decorated with trefoils and radiated. The lower part
of the three remaining figures is so far preserved as to make it probable that
their position is identical with that of the corresponding figures in E 455.

(b) Restored after E 455 (b).