Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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Pottery{ p. 330. Late careless drawing. Purple inscriptions, stems of wreaths, and flames.
Brown ties on altar. Below, sets of three masanders separated by dotted chequer squares.
Round the lip, laurel-wreath. Round the handles, egg pattern ; below the handles, an ornament
composed of two pahncttes superimposed.

(a) Sacrifice. In the centre is a blazing altar, with fuel, in which is a
hooked object (as on E455). On either side is a wreathed youth in anhimation,
engaged in sacrifice ; the one on 1. pours wine on the flames from a footless
kylix in his r.; the other roasts in the flames a piece of meat on the end of two
spits; on the 1. a youth similarly attired plays on the flutes. On the r. a
bearded man in an himation, also wreathed, looks on, resting his r. on a staff.
In the field imitation inscriptions.

(b) Two draped ephebi, staff in hand, confronted ; between them a third,
to 1. Each wears a fillet.

On the foot an incised inscription, see Old Catalogue, pi. C. 1282.

E 505. BELL-CRATER. Ht. 12J in. Diam. 14 in. Apulia. Blacas Coll. Surface damaged ; Plate XVW

b much restored. Drawing late, but careful. Purple (now almost entirely faded) has been used Fig. "•

for the fruits and the festoons on the bucranion. Below a, sets of three ma:anders separated
by red cross squares ; below b, egg pattern ; round the lip, laurel-wreath.

(a) Sacrifice to Heracles by a Seilenos and Maenad. In the centre is a
table or altar raised on a double plinth, on which stands an Ionic column with
necking of wave pattern ; upon this is a small statuette of Heracles, beardless,
charging to r. with uplifted club, bow in 1. hand, and lion-skin on extended
1. arm ; in front of the plinth is a table. On the r. a Seilenos stands
sacrificing ; he leans forward, with his r. foot raised on a square block beside
the altar, and holds in each hand a small spit over the altar ; his forehead is
wrinkled. On the 1. a Maenad in a long chiton and embroidered hair-net
stands looking on, holding in her 1. hand a wicker basket containing fruits or
cakes, and in her r. an oinochoe (black silhouette against her body); behind
her is her thyrsos, set upright in the ground. Behind the Seilenos is a tree,
from which hangs an askos ; at its foot is a large bell-crater with a frieze of
black dancing figures. On the 1. of the statuette a bucranion festooned.

(b) Two draped ephebi, staff in hand ; between them a door-post and
door seen in perspective.

E 506. BELL-CRATER. Ht. 14! in. Diam. 165 in. Cameiros, 1864. Late stage of large

style ; careless, almost grotesque, but technique good. White berries of wreaths. Brown inner
markings. Below, sets of three masanders separated by chequer squares. Round the lip, laurel
wreath ; round the handles, egg pattern.

(a) Revel, A procession of five men, four of v/hom move to 1. : one in the
centre, resting his r. on a staff, with mantle on 1. arm and round r. thigh, carries
on his 1. shoulder a girl in a girt chiton with knotted hair, who plays on the
flutes; the man next in front dances towards them with both hands raised and
joined above his head, so that the face is not visible ; his r. foot is also raised,