Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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E 646. LEKYTHOS. Ht. 14I in. Gela. Dennis, 1863. Damaged by fire. Strong style.

Purple sword-belt. Brown markings. Eye in transition type. Below, meander; round the
base of the neck, egg pattern.

Woman carrying armour (type of Thetis bringing armour to Achilles).
A woman in a long sleeved chiton, himation, earrings and saccos, stands to 1.,
holding up in her r. hand by the scabbard a sword, with sword-belt attached.
On her 1. arm is a shield with device of a scorpion to 1. (black silhouette),
and drapery attached by three studs and decorated with a series of horizontal
bands of dots, herring-bone, etc., terminating in a fringe of tongue-shaped flaps.

E 647-716. ARYBALLI.

[E 695-716 are polychrome.]

E 647. ARYBALLOS. Ht. 5 in. Nola. Blacas Coll. Mnscc Blacas, pi. xi, 2, p. 36 ; Overbeck,

Her. Bildw. pi. vii, 1, p. 174, no. 1 ; Jahrbuch, i. (1886), p. 201, no. 5. Fine period ; careful
minute drawing. Purple rays of fillet, brown edge of hair. Eye in profile. Below, egg
moulding. Below the handle, a fine quadruple palmetto ornament with flowers.

Peleus pursuing Thetis. Peleus, a beardless youth with chlamys and short
girt chiton flying behind, and petasos, runs to r., extending his arms to seize
Thetis, who flees, looking back at him and holding up her r. hand in terror ; in
her 1. she holds by the tail a dolphin ; her long hair falls loose, and she wears a
long chiton, a bordered diploi's, and a radiated fillet.

E 648. ARYBALLOS. Ht. 6J- in. Pomarico. Temple Coll. Surface much injured. Graceful

style. Purple wreaths. Eye in profile. Below, a strip of egg pattern. Round the neck,
tongue pattern.

Two women, Eros. On the r., beside a diphros in the background, on
which is a striped cushion, a woman stands in three-quarter face to 1, holding up
on her r. hand a diminutive figure of Eros, who crouches to 1., holding up in both
hands a wreath ; on the 1. a woman stands to r., holding out in both hands a
wreath. Both women wear a Doric chiton, and have their hair looped up with
an opisthosphendone. Between them a long tendril springs from the ground,
terminating in a palmette.

E 649. ARYBALLOS. Old No. 905. Ht. (present) 6| in. Surface injured and re-varnished.

Graceful style. Eye in profile. Below, a thin red line.

Two women confronted : the one on the 1. moves to r., wearing a saccos, and
holds in both hands a square box ; the other holds in her r. a mirror, and wears
a himation : both have long chitons with sleeves.
